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NASA to work on relations with the Muslim world??

K. Swartz 1st MRB

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Well the concept makes a little sense but it being top priority makes none. The USA can use the imaginative power of NASA to get young Muslim children thinking about space and science. That will promote interest that could cause more strict nations to release there hold on the people. Muslim nations that get on board with NASA could also help us with oil costs for NASA (or anything else that could help, since the shuttles doesnt use petroleum) if they have a staked interest in our success. Only issue is its an Obama concept so it is a bit scary.

Edited by Connary 1st MRB
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Why should the US share technology that ultimately leads to more and more greater technology with nations who want our allie's dead? This move makes no sense and further proves that ol' Barry is retarded and can't do anything right.

Nothing in there was about tech. being shared. Was mainly talking about building relations threw the children of those nations by increasing an interest in science, math. What i was suggesting wasnt to give them technology but to use our technology to keep the muslim nations interested in the USA's success without a 'real' hand on the project.

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"He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel." Right from the article

Have you seen that Obama wants to open up Silicone Valley to Russia? Do you remember Clinton with the Chinese and helping their kids minds? Clinton sold billions of dollars of secret tech to China to help "boost" their minds and improve the world. Clinton pretty initiated the boom you see in China today by industrializing them to no tomorrow. That's the kinds of things tech does. Obama wont say it out loud but a lot of people see right through him. How do you improve relations with the Muslims? Obama has no idea and in fact the only thing he knows how to do is buy and sell things with fictional money. He can't reason, he can't lead, he can't do anything and id sitting in the Oval Office thinking this job of his is nothing but a joke. You watch, Obama will "improve" relations by selling tech. I don't know if it will be for oil, money, peace in the middle east, or something else but it will happen since Obama doesn't know how to work with Muslims.

Edited by GMoney ßÄR
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Obama wants the muslim to make a mark in space history as they havent made any contribution that will mark them out as advanced because they are busy doing other things. if we sell tech to the muslim world it wont be used for the "bettering of mankind" a rocket that can take a man into space can launch a nuclear device into space. the tech that will be sold by a president who has no idea how to run a country will only ending up hurting us like when we sold weapons to muslim nations that turned them against us.

The cancelling of plans to return to the moon becuase we need/want muslims to make a mark in space history? really so the advancement of man and possibility of new discoveries because you want a hostile group of people to be a part of it is the wave of the future?

sometimes you have to love the idea of people being able to make what ever choice they want no matter how harmful it will be in the future.

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NASA, if Obama has his way, will no longer be a government funded organization by the time he leaves office. He has already cut funding for the space programs, stated there will be no future plans to re-visit the moon (which they where planning for further studies on possible fossil fuel research) and is considering cutting all funding for Mars exploration.

Seriously, go google it since I'm to lazy to link you articles. NASA guys are freeaking out and are worried about jobs.

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Article about funding for NASA employees to help find them new jobs

Excerpt from a different article:

To those who would return America to the moon as had been planned, Obama said: "I just have to say pretty bluntly -- we've been there before...There's a lot more space to explore and a lot more to learn when we do."

Obama has faced sharp criticism for proposing to abandon the Constellation moon program after $9 billion has been spent and allocate $6 billion to support private companies in developing space rockets to carry astronauts to the International Space Station.


Getting a glimpse of what he hopes will be the future of the space program, Obama took a walk to look at a Falcon 9 rocket set to lift off in a test next month. It is a product of SpaceX, a private company.

In his speech, the president said he wants to accelerate development of a large, heavy-lift rocket to carry astronauts beyond low-earth orbit. He called for making a decision on the new rocket design in 2015.

Obama stuck to his decision to cancel the Constellation program, designed by the previous Bush administration to return Americans to the moon and which was behind schedule.

He reaffirmed he would salvage from Constellation a crew capsule called Orion, which was to carry astronauts to the moon but will serve instead as an emergency escape vehicle at the International Space Station.

That would free American astronauts from having to rely on Russia's Soyuz capsule to return to Earth in an emergency.

The Obama administration estimates the new plan would create an estimated 2,500 jobs in the Cape Canaveral area.

To ease the transition for workers dislocated, Obama proposed a $40 million fund to help transform the regional economy around NASA's Florida facilities and prepare its workforce for new opportunities.

The skeptical and disheartened community expects to lose 9,000 Kennedy Space Center jobs when the shuttle program ends and Constellation is shut down.

Another 14,000 job losses could take place in related industries, including restaurants, hotels and retail shops.

"It's not just the local community that will be affected. It'll be the whole nation. We won't be No. 1 in space anymore," said Karan Conklin, who oversees the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Museum in Titusville, Fla

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so 23,000 jobs lost while he tries to make is right by creating 2,500 jobs? him seems a little short on jobs....

and he wants to erase anything that Bush put in place.... so are step from the moon to possibly other trips to planets will not work cause if we can't get to the moon how by the gods' names are we going to get to mars?

great idea america put someone who has no idea how to handle a big situation daily in the most powerful single position in the country

Edited by evo-lution ßÄR
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