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Play Music? got Skill?


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Been a guitar player (rooted in blues) for... well over a decade. Over half my life actually.

I've got one full cd that I recorded w/ a singer from Canada (we recorded it ourselves) - and have had the opportunity to do a little actual studio recording with a couple other bands out of Chicago that was cool.

I also play bass, and have been playing bass almost as long as guitar. In fact, most bands I've ever been in, have utilized me as a bass player. Only a few bands have let me get to rippin on some lead blues.

There's a few songs from the singer in canada and I's album are up here:


It's like a jazzy/bluesy/light alternative. Some might like it - some probably won't. Again, we did the recording ourselves - if I only knew then what I know now about recording, it would be a lot more crisp/clear. I wrote 95% of all the guitar parts (although the singer played guitar on a couple tracks), and all the bass parts.

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Been playing drums for around 20 years and been singing pretty much all my life. I've played and sang everything from classical music (tympani and orchestral percussion) to jazz, rock, metal, blues (drum set). I sang in the Phoenix Boy's Choir when I was younger and actually had a part in an opera in St. Louis once. I've also sang in many rock type bands and other such contemporary things.

Here's a couple links to various projects I have been involved in.

808 a band from 10 years ago

Resurrection Machine: metal band from 2002

Awaken the Kraken: Last project I was officially in from 2005 - 2007 or 8

There are many more, but I only have those on mp3 and they don't have sites dedicated to them. A lot of the jazz I played was in college and I have no recordings of it unfortunately.

Edited by I have no arms ßÄR
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