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Do you love Blow?

Ford 1st MRB

Creative Marketing or Bad Taste?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this Creative Marketing or Bad Taste?

    • Creative Marketing
    • Bad Taste

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I think that'll make some money just because of it's name and the container alone. I bet 1/3 of kids that buy that wouldn't even use it as an energy drink, they'd just carry it around and try to act badass in school. Probably something Ford would've done. +1 for creative marketing

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I think that'll make some money just because of it's name and the container alone. I bet 1/3 of kids that buy that wouldn't even use it as an energy drink, they'd just carry it around and try to act badass in school. Probably something Ford would've done. +1 for creative marketing

You are assuming I went to school.

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Wow, that interviewer was an ass. Hooray for "non-biased" media.

But anyways, I look at this like making cigar shaped gum or any other gimmicky candy that they sell in those adult stores, like the chill pills or what have you. It's all "bad taste" material, but who cares, that's why people buy them.

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Creative marketing that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I don't like it. The cigar/cigarette gums/chocolates you're talking about Yama did have the same maketing ploy but the degree to which Blow is taking their product is ridonkulous. Those gums didn't come with a lighter or an ash tray, whereas this Blow product comes with a freaking credit card, vile and a reflective sheet resembling a mirror to "cut" it on. This product went over the top and IMO is another stupid marketing idea. If my kid ever bought this product, I would put his head through the wall.

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Creative marketing that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I don't like it. The cigar/cigarette gums/chocolates you're talking about Yama did have the same maketing ploy but the degree to which Blow is taking their product is ridonkulous. Those gums didn't come with a lighter or an ash tray, whereas this Blow product comes with a freaking credit card, vile and a reflective sheet resembling a mirror to "cut" it on. This product went over the top and IMO is another stupid marketing idea. If my kid ever bought this product, I would put his head through the wall.

The CC is a business card, but it, the mirror, and the package that looks like a kilo, are just a media package that are only being distributed to certain vendors. I get what your saying, but when you actually purchase it, it's just the little vile that you pour into your drink. You don't snort the stuff, and it doesn't come with the mirror or CC. I can see how it's borderline to some people, and even over the top for others, but the allegations that kids buying this energy drink powder, mind you that's all it is, will cause them to want to go out and buy cocaine is stupid at best. If some kid buys this shit and snorts it, I guarantee it will be the last thing he'll ever want to snort.

I do see the correlation between this and candy cigarettes in the past. Candy, that mimics smoking cigarettes, all the way down to smoke coming out of the ends of them. Those were directly marketed to children. How is a powdered energy drink called blow, any worse than that? You don't snort it. True it comes in a vile resembling crack, but that's where the similarities end. As I said, you don't snort it, and you don't get the mirror and CC. That leaves you with a vile of energy drink that resembles a crack vile, and unless you already are a crack head, you wouldn't even know what a crack vile should look like. Where is the harm here?

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That's the difference with this marketing. Where do cigs go? In your mouth...where do fake cigs go? ...you guessed it...(no not in Engle's ass...)

Now lets do this exercise with cocaine vs blow (the sports powder...)

See the difference?

Advertising may be directed towards a younger age group, but at least its for a sports drink instead of saying "try snorting this fake blow and not get any effects other than bad sinus infections for 2 months..." I agree with Ford, if kids try to snort this crap it'll probably be more of a deterent than anything else to actually lead to cocaine use. I do wonder what the impact of this will be in schools though

PS. Parker, you're going to have to specify which kid youre speculating on since there will be 8.

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first off , i thought crack came in bags...not vials (maybe its just the drug dealers i knew in highschool were cheap bastards).

second, this marketing approach (equating an energy drink to drugs) is not new.


These guys are just making it into a powder that you mix into water.. which by the way also isnt a first


I think its a creative marketing strategy. however its more of a fad than a real strategy. Like yama pointed out earlier its a nice gimmicky thing to buy. I myself bought a can of cocaine... which is still in my fridge simply to say i have it, not to ever drink it. I'd do the same thing for "blow", but i don't think i'd ever use it. just keep it to say i had it.

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So this is an energy drink, right. Every energy or caffeine drink usually has "Not for children" or "Not recommended for children under 12" and the pregnant women spiel. If kids are already getting energy drinks, then parents are not doing a very good job. So kids shouldn't even be the ones buying this stuff. Now if you think the 13 to 20 year-olds are dumb enough to think "Well, this energy drink gimmick is good, maybe the real drug will be good too!" then they should be crack whores already. I'll admit that younger kids will probably get their hands on the stuff, but as everyone has mentioned, parents need to be the ones to act. It's a free market, they can sell pretty much anything they want.

Maybe we should stop selling condoms, they might give kids the wrong ideas.

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This in fairly bad taste but that's my opinion.

Not sure how well this has done in the market, though judging by how they had a news bit on it, probably fairly well, and even more so after the news feed like the anchor said.

It's relation, purely by visual standards, to cocaine, the drug, is a little too close to be in good taste and associating the drink with the drug and the lifestyle around it doesn't seem like a good idea right off the bat.

Took a quick peak at their website and it seems to be doing fairly well so business must not be too bad for them. First time I tried typing iloveblow.com sent me to a YouTube channel that had maybe a dozen videos of different news articles or interviews all about it. They seem to thrive purely off of the bad press, the more they complain about it, the more news stations play bits on it, the better their business gets.

So I'll say this, it is in bad taste, very bad, I think it would have been better to find a more, proper, or appropriate manner of marketing their product. BUT. Their probably pulling in some very heavy amounts of money from this, no matter what kind of press you get, it's good it seems so I have to say, it's pretty clever as well.

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  • 4 months later...

You just don't know what's in some of this 'energy' shit.

My friends brother took some weightlifting supplement before working out a few months ago... long story short:

While he was working out he said he felt like he could 'do anything', and it felt like being 'on some kinda drug' - 2 days later he went to the ER with heart palpitations. This occurred twice more in the next week.

Granted, it's not an 'energy' drink as much as it was a lifting thing - but God knows what they actually put into that shit, and how much it actually gets tested.

They could pull all that shit from the shelves, wouldn't bother me a bit.

Fuck that company and the douchebag doing the interview.

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