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Star Wars The Old Republic

Mamora BAR

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Anyone thinkin about getting it? Im patiently waiting for this awsome game that keeps getting better and better. Although i may get this and also Guild Wars 2 when they come out. They are both looking to be pretty revolutionary and awsome. For SWTOR specifically im goin jedi knight guardian hehe. I herd that testing started in july and their sending out emails to registered users to test it so im crossing my fingers hoping i get selected. The release date is march 2011 and their are space battles! where you get your own ship and stuff! PC gamer is releasing a magazine with further details but so far everything ive herd about this game is amazing. Any comments? anyone plan on buying this? cause i definately am!

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I was allowed to beta test a part of it last weekend, was pretty amazing and hella fun. Im very much waiting for another invite for sure, as an old SWG player im happy to see another good Star Wars MMO coming out. www.stwor.com is the site, suggest lookin at it and what not they have updates every friday I believe. Imperial Agent and Trooper class for me.

Edited by Bennett 1st MRB
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yes their gonna create expansions. Although they havnt figured out if its gonna be monthly or not it depends. Nothing is set in stone. After finding out that a jedi guardian is a tanking class i think im gonna go with the other class with dual lightsabers muahahaha! for the republic!

I signed up to be considered for testing but i havnt herd anything yet : (. I would kill just to test the game. Recent videos are just looking so good especially the jedi knight video. This is a game i will definatly devote alot of time too. Especially after the announcment of space battles and how tehy said their gonna make them really epic and huge like the space battle in episode 3. Like youll travel between planets on your ship and while your traveling you will either navagate through asteroid fields or engage in huge space battles to get to your destination. I am so effin excited! love star wars!!!! i wanna test it already dammit!

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It's a shame that Galaxies went to shit after the developers decided to work on a in-game trading card game rather than fix it. I have heard that a few fans got their hands on the server software for Galaxies though and plan on trying to get the game back to what it was near its release then do bug patches from there.

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yo if you guys wanna join me on my server i'm on Keller's Void. lvl 20 Jedi Shadow. its east coast server, so for all you west coasters i'm on a west side server as well called Wound In The Force. i have a lvl 29 Sith Marauder, but will start a new character for either side you want to be on. message me in game or on steam, my jedi's name is Sn'ake. and my sith's name is Norel. and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

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End game stuff is apparently already 'under development' and according to the developers they want to keep it interesting for players.

Lots of folks doing the end game stuff already I guess.

If you're debating on a server/guild, check out Warriors of the Shadow - it's where I'm at.

The guild? Pure Pazaak.

I built this for the guild the other day: www.purepazaak.com

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Just curious, has anyone got to the end game raiding yet or is it still too soon? And if so, how is it?

I have a 50 Sith Sorcerer and I'm currently doing some end game stuff atm. PvP is really all I'm doing, I haven't touched raids yet because I'm still waiting on a few people to hit 50.

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