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Mount and Blade: Warband

Mamora BAR

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Yes and no.

I have both Warband and the original M&B.

Warband is cool , almost exactly like the original, but with a little motion blur on animations. Couched lances can be slightly aimed , can use throwing weapons as melee weapons in a pinch. And multiplayer battles. All the core additions are nice, and the multiplayer battles are ... quaint. The only downside is that it hasn't been out long enough for the mod community to rip it apart and piece it back together as a better product.

The orig M&B didn't have multiplayer, but that didn't matter because of the plethora of mods available for it. "Prophesy of Pendor" (yes.. spelled exactly like that) Is an amazing add on that way outpaced Warband in terms of scope and enjoyment. Added over 300 new items, 100 new weapons, 3 new nations, 10 event armies, 5+ epic quests, 20ish new party joinable Heroes, wives, kingdom building and quite a few new nifty additions to the combat system. And all this for the original M&B (which i believe is priced at $5 right now.) That mod is just 1 example of the hundreds that are out there. There's a complete star wars conversion, Lord of the Rings conversion, etc. etc.

The mod community on this game is extremely talented and unfortunately.. haven't released anything terribly exciting for warband yet.

In conclusion.. But at least one of the two. Warband, or the orig. Both are quality products on their own, but the orig has so much more to offer in terms of mods and extras. I'm sure warband will have the same following , but the fruits will be apparent much later down the road. Either way your money will be well spent, its just that if you want in for the long haul of awesome buy warband. If you want the instant gratification of win, but the orig.

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Yeah I played the shit out of Mount & Blade and it is a fun game with mods. Warband just needs a few multiplayer ports of some of the really cool mods from Mount & Blade and I'll buy it.

And fuck Khergits, real men go Nord.

EDIT: Oh shit I just found out that one of my favorite mods has a Warband port. Look into The Eagle and the Radiant Cross. It adds in a German faction that specializes in using blackpowder weapons, and adds in a bunch of other factions.

Edited by Costa 1st MRB
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Eagle and the Radiant cross is a friggin awesome mod, Though i kept gettin pissed cause Blackpowder units would tear the shit out of my conventional army (as they should, but still it pissed me off). I Loved how you could line fire too if you micro managed and simply decimate an entire army with no losses if you had patience, skill, and a lil bit of luck.

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Yeah going against a line of musketeers is pretty damn hard. If you've ever joined their faction try to take part in taking over a fortress. Musketeers in close range is a hilarious event that usually results in just you and a handful of Lords fighting off an entire fortress's garrison.

I usually just went horseback gunners and a small number of them. Anything I can catch I can kill and anything that can kill me I could outrun, it was a raider's paradise.

Yeah $17 for both is pretty good, I might have to see if I can pick it up again too.

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Here's The Eagle and the Radiant Cross. The download is at the top with all the information spanning the page.

Here's a western mod called 1866, it's brutally fucking hard at times.

Here's Prophesy of Pendor.

Here's a mod called Sword of Damocles. It's a pretty bad ass kingdom simulator where you can start up your own faction and end up fighting off a massive invading empire.

So far that I know of only Eagle and the Radiant Cross was ported to Warband for multiplayer play, the rest you might have to poke around a bit.

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Well there isn't really a campaign, it's just more of do what you want and take over shit. The mods are the same thing it's just a matter of personal preference on how you want to kill dudes and take over castles.

Well Warband has a sort of quest line and I know it's compatible with Eagle and the Radiant Cross, so I guess you can just play that in Warband if you want something to do.

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Man there are so many mods! I love medieval history. I just downloaded the hundred years war but im probably getting ahead of myself. lol not sure to just play regular mount and blade and warband before i start adding a bunch of mods to it lmao.

i just found a mod about the pelopeonsian war..it looks so bad ass~!

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Just some basic stuff to remember is, always recruit a handful of dudes.

You don't even really need them in battle if you get your preferred skills high enough, it's just that the numbers help keep away looters and bandits from pestering you every few minutes.

Also I'm trying to remember a mod that added in a whole ton of different factions, like Romans v. Amazons v. Crusaders v. Aztecs or something crazy. It was fun as hell trying to take on a whole bunch of guys in full plate armor with practically naked Romans was a good challenge.

And if you have some time to figure it out try the China WWII mod.

Edited by Costa 1st MRB
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