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Gtx 450



Hey guys i just got like Geforce evega 465 and i just went into dod source and ive been getting a fps that is varying low 100s to 50 and idk whats wrong and its pissing me off do you guys think i might need a new processor or something? i have like a intel quad core or something 2.4 ghz

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A great tool you can use is cpu-z. This will tell us the exact make and model of your motherboard.

Majorgeeks - CPU-Z download

Also, let's get you the newest drivers possible for your video card:


Another idea I have is sort of an odd one. Did you plug in the extra power into the side of your card? Some cards require two... I believe the GTX465 is one of these.

Edited by Dillon 1st MRB
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So what your really saying is that i bought a fucking 250 dollar graphics card for no reason? T-T, so tell me what would be a graphics card that give me high fps and tell me what i need to look at in a graphics card to give me high fps. Thank you Jasko and dillon

Edited by Lang 1st MRB
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Wow thats rediculous --.--

Ummm... your card is fine. The 465 is a cut down 470. I would call it a high end card. It is above any of the 48xx series of ATI cards as well as the GTX2xx series of cards. The GTX 285 card is a beast, so its going to depend on the game. DODS is not a demanding game. Your card is a high end card in that it can handle resolutions and eye candy up to the top end (2560x1600 without AA and AF cranked up). Here is a pretty good review. Its a great price:performance card. MUCH better than a lot of cards out there.


What you can see here is that its behind the 5850 in performance and price. However, in terms of value, you have a great card. In terms of raw performance, you have a great card. You will be just fine with this card up to 1920x1080 resolutions in just about every new game out there. And if your monitor has lower resolutions than that, you will be golden.

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I didnt explain myself well enough. Your card is pretty good, but the only thing worth having on it it dx11. I have a 4890 and get between 200 and 300 fps on most maps. And it doesnt necessarily out-do the card dillon said, but it will do dx11 which will be nice in the near future with more and more dx11 games coming out.

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