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Aussie Admins


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To be brutally honest im embarrassed by the admins in aussie servers, i keep getting banned for aimbot. It's hilarious, im not sure if this means americans are good players and aussies are shit and thats why they think im aimbotting but honestly everyone here knows i dont aimbot, just cant believe aussie admin think that coz they dont like getting owned by my M1. I hope you guys dont go in there coz with your skillz you will be banned quicker XD

funniest thing of all my dad has his own account and plays with them and is on good terms with them. He tried to ask why they did it, and they said ask so and so who just happened to be the guy i was owning and apparently is the second highest in the clan. No other members of that clan thought i was hacking even though i have been speced many times in previous visits and given the all clear. Gotta love 1st mrb skillz!

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This was the guys reply for banning me:

Let me shed some light on this:

1) Yes, you did kill me multiple times and that is ok.

2) At first I was quite happy with that.

3) Yes I did spectate you, and for some time i might add.

Now the reason why I banned you, basically because yes I felt you were hacking, aim botting whatever you want to call it. I watched as you would go past points in maps immediately turn and focus on oposition and pull off one shot kills. This was not once or twice but multiple times. You might challenge this and say that the spots they were in were common areas, true some were but most were not. In fact some were crouched or prone behind objects and yet still one shot kills. Now just so you know, normally I don't permanently ban people, but when I do

a) it stays that way

B) I have a damn good reason for it and

c) your settings had nothing to do with the ban per se and hence has no bearing on you why we would or would not ban your father

d) given the few years that I have administrated Steam servers and the like, I feel I have a fairly good knowledge of what is and isn't kosha

e) I don't record demo's, I have no reason to, my eyes and my own judgement are all that I require.


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