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Horrible lifting form. No muscular separation or striations when hitting the half ass bicep flex. 15lb dumbell. Benching all of 50-60lbs while using a spotter...

exactly. It's all about curling the nice 45's, benching a good 185-210, and shit bruah. (My max reps for Bench are 235 at about 2-3 reps) I do have to work on it, as I have been, because I should be able to bench 245, which is how much I weigh.

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5' 10" 213lbs at 10% BF comp. 32" waist, 18" arms. Each of these are my 3 rep max. Benching 315lbs flat legs elevated, 225lbs incline. Alternating curls 65lbs. Cable curls 180lbs. Deadlifting 500lbs olympia style, all lower back no legs. Skullcrushing 120lb EZ curl bar. military shoulder pressing 185lb barbell. Bent over dumbell rows 140lb dumbell, leg pressing 1050lbs.

Nothing but a pair of Harbinger wrist straps, some Superpump Max, Animal Stak, M-stak and Pump, 5,230 calories a day, 7 meals a day, 420g of protein a day. 6 days on, 1 day off. I'd be the first one to tell you I no shit live at the gym, it's all I care about besides my wife and son.

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Only 500 lbs dead lift with your lower back? First of all, why the fuck you lifting with your lower back.. second of all. I can max out at 7 plates (700 pounds) hex bar (dead lift) at 5 reps using my legs (squatting, like a seat). I can box squat max 6 plates (45 lbs each) on each side, which is roughly 705 lbs I think (do the math, I CBA to do it.) and max out at 3 reps. I can power clean 2 plates on each side, 4 times. Leg press... is about 1250 pounds for me.

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I focus on legs more than my arms, because I play right tackle for both defense and offense for football, and for my position, it's all about the legs. (and yes, of course, I need my arms. I alternate my lifts each day, doing a different lift for every different day, 5 times a week, 2 days for break ((Weekend)) ) I don't lift on the weekend, cause I use my school's gym, and I CBA to pay for a gym membership at the time... I take 100% whey protein shakes, and am going to start using Creatine. I also use Jack3d, which actually makes me work out stronger, and faster (which is why I love it).

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Only 500 lbs dead lift with your lower back? First of all, why the fuck you lifting with your lower back.. second of all. I can max out at 7 plates (700 pounds) hex bar (dead lift) at 5 reps using my legs (squatting, like a seat). I can box squat max 6 plates (45 lbs each) on each side, which is roughly 705 lbs I think (do the math, I CBA to do it.) and max out at 3 reps. I can power clean 2 plates on each side, 4 times. Leg press... is about 1250 pounds for me.

I'm more into bodybuilding, it would seem that your routine is more geared towards powerlifting which would make sense for football. But, regardless, those lifts of yours are beast. My deadlifts, I try to isolate all towards lower back instead of legs, not saying I don't cheat with my legs with heavier weight but I'm working on the V-taper currently. I honestly need to work out my legs more, probably the most neglected part of my routine. Ehh, I'll alternate between Jack3d and Superpump, but I've just started going el natural, no pre-workout, no creatine, no protein shakes. Just hardcore dieting. Easier on the wallet too instead of dropping $300 at GNC every 3 weeks.

Edited by Animal
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Only 500 lbs dead lift with your lower back? First of all, why the fuck you lifting with your lower back.. second of all. I can max out at 7 plates ( 700 pounds) hex bar (dead lift) at 5 reps using my legs (squatting, like a seat). I can box squat max 6 plates (45 lbs each) on each side, which is roughly 705 lbs I think (do the math, I CBA to do it.) and max out at 3 reps. I can power clean 2 plates on each side, 4 times. Leg press... is about 1250 pounds for me.

Only 500 lbs dead lift with your lower back? First of all, why the fuck you lifting with your lower back.. second of all. I can max out at 7 plates (
will make fun of you for, and something people use to inflate their squat numbers).

The fact that you're only power cleaning 225 for 4 reps with numbers like that says to me something isn't right in this picture.

Next time do some math and use numbers that don't claim at age 17 you out lift 300lb NFL DE's and you're much less likely to have someone call you out.

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Sorry Elder but you got told. Doing the math would help in that. Don't get yourself down though those are impressive numbers for 17. the hex bar deadlift is 100% easier to do than deadlift but is also much safer. I could never do a traditional dead lift because it was too hard on my lower back. Back when I lifted I benched 300 and free weight squated 520 weighing 180 but haven't taken the time to get back into shape...

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This got so off-topic lmao.

You guys all got me beat I'm a lineman benching like 130lbs, Squat 150lbs, and Dead Lift 100lbs. I am ashamed to be a lineman with those weights lifts, but I'm working at it, and improving every day!

Everybody has to start somewhere man. Weightlifting of almost any sort is 20% lifting, 80% diet and 100% dedication. Started off 150lbs 3 years ago, gained 60lbs with proper dieting and daily throwing around of the iron. Don't forget to take your Casein protein, your body starves itself when it sleeps so unless you want your body to cannibalize those muscles and hard work it's best to atleast eat as soon as you wake up ;)

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