Hello you, yeah, you. Not you, get out of the way you idiot! Im talking to YOU, the proud 1st MRB member who for several years now have made me log in to steam, push the
play button and enjoy hours and hours of shooting, laughing, yelling, more laughing and so on.
Now, Im not saying good bye, Im no good with good byes (Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, right). Im just saying that I dont know when I will have the oportunity to join you fine men (and boys)
..(and girls) again.
Me and (and ladies! God damn it!). Me and my girlfriend bought a new appartment two months ago, a real fixer-uper, and have been renovating it from top to bottom. And last
weekend we moved in. Yey.
We dont have any internet in the appartment yet, but we will soon. But there is no room for me to set up my computer annyway, because it's a beast (yeer), we built rooms for the
kids instead (damn kids!). So when I say I dont know when I will be able to play again, I realy dont know.
Maybe I'll buy myself a laptop to play on, but these things apparently cost money, and I spent it all on rooms for the kids (damn kids!!!).
I hope to (and I know I will) talk to some of you guys again soon, but it will never come close to hearing all your voices in the Pub. I dont care if you have been a member as long
as I have (or longer) or you joined yesterday. You (and Im talking directly to the 1st MRB now, like its a person, but I know it is not, it's made of all you guys, so just pretend like
Im talking to you alright? Take some of this credit! Do it!) have been a part of my life when things were very bad, when things have been good, and in general been a care free
zone to chill in at the end of the day. And for that I am very grateful (Seriously thanks guys for starting this unit in the first place, you know who you are, it has ment a lot to a lot
of people)
Until next time, take care guys!