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Capt. Schneider 8th ID

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Everything posted by Capt. Schneider 8th ID

  1. To All, Recently, I've been hearing a lot from my soldiers in the 8th ID about some friction we may be having between our organizations. I've heard that things like "the 8th harbor hackers" have been said regarding our unit. I know that one of my soldiers was banned for a bit and then unbanned due to suspected hacking. I know that the latter situation helped to ingrain the friction and give it more teeth. Then last night I was told they were pubbing on your server and were basically accused of trying to cause problems with you guys because of the soldier of ours that was banned and then unbanned. I'm sure I do not have the full story of these events and allegations, but my concern regarding unit relations has risen significantly because of these circumstances. Whether or not I am getting a slanted view from my soldiers regarding our relations and the situations that I wrote about above doesn't really matter to me. I know that I have not fully heard your side of the conflict and so I take that into consideration. I think I can definitely discern that there is at least a rather high level of tension between our units and so this must be addressed and dealt with swiftly. The purpose of my communication here is to reach out to you all in order to address this conflict head on before it gets out of hand (if it isn't already). I propose a meeting of the command staff to iron out any issues you may have with the 8th ID. I would like to hear from you regarding any negative allegations you may have regarding our unit. I would like the opportunity to address each allegation and work along side with you to change our relationship to make it a more agreeable situation for all of us. I request a response from your CO or XO as soon as time permits regarding my proposal. Thank you for your time and have a great day. L. Schneider Captain 8th Infantry Division
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