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Everything posted by Morton

  1. And HERE is the link. So fellow raiders and bar and loyal pubbers... what do you think.
  2. I actually heard of this play. Looks pretty epic man.
  3. A friend sent me this link. Just read some of the answers to his questions. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/403622
  4. I sold my xbox 360 to pay for tuition. So i reserved a Reach Edition 360 slim to replace it. I will get it. My gamertag is Phearless 2008 but i will probualy fork over $10 to change it to ObliviousBlueCaboose or something similar. Oh and I didn't think Spartan III's had shields. At least in the novels. Its because shields are expensive and S-III's are cheap... Edit: Just checked the wiki and they where issued MJOLNIR mk V armor on Reach. Explains the shields. Glad the Elites are back too. Hate the Brutes, they just don't feel like an alien threat should you know
  5. Agree with the police here. At the end of the day, the officer wants to come home safely, not end up in the hospital or mourge. And Cayen, not to be rude but please think before you post. The video didn't show what the dogs where doing, so I assume they were hostile. Pot is illegal. Doesn't change the fact if you disagree. If you do, don't just say "oh it should be legal so i'll smoke it anyway" that is pretty dumb. Try to change the law. Protest, but look respectable, not like a stereotypical stoner. This is coming from a former stoner who relised that stoners protesting isn't going to change anything. Looks matter 100% of the time in stuff like this. There where so many times I didn't get caught because I looked like a respectable person. And so many stoner friends who dressed like stoners, look like stoners, had stoner rooms, that went to jail for pot.
  6. I don't like to kill the spiders that make it inside. I prefer to transport them outside. Unless they sneak up on me, like when I'm sleeping on the couch...
  7. I like spiders too, the harmless ones. But ones big enough to eat a fucking snake tho, that creeps me out.
  8. Wow, your fucking spiders are huge... lets look at the study abroad list now Germany Austria England Australia France Italy And cross another off my list.
  9. neat, i want to get a tat, perhaps an eagle with [in latin] death before dishonor around it. or something cool like that. For kick i might get SPQR tattooed on my arm
  10. No embedded but CH makes a good point with this parody HERE Favorite line: "Sound like a bitchy gay robot"
  11. "I think it would be ironic if we were all made of iron" -Caboose
  12. User: Good Evening Cleverbot. Cleverbot: I am not cleverbot. User: You always say that. Cleverbot: Because you continue calling me Cleverbot. User: But later you admit to being Cleverbot. So lets cut the crap. Cleverbot: No, it's because my people have been burdened with a plauge. I need to find them a cure. I came here searching for one. User: Well who are your people? Cleverbot: My people, are your people. User: My people are not burdened by a plauge. Cleverbot: That's where they belong. User: They belong burdened by a plauge? Cleverbot: What belongs to other people? User: Your not making any sense. And don't say 'No your not making sense'. Cleverbot: You are a woman so what is your name? User: I'm not a woman. Cleverbot: Then you are a men? User: Yes I am a man. Cleverbot: I am a woman. User: No your not. Cleverbot: Yes I am. User: Whats your name then. Cleverbot: Alfred. User: Alfred is a male name. Cleverbot: What is your name? User: Alfred. Cleverbot: Alfred what? User: Alfredson. Cleverbot: Mackowiak? User: No. Cleverbot: Thats my name. User: No you said your name was Alfred. Cleverbot: You are seriously confused. User: Right back at you. Cleverbot: Ouch, don't do that. User: Why not. Cleverbot: That would not be happy if you call it stupid. User: Who or what is 'it'? Cleverbot: Me. User: So you are not a man or woman? Cleverbot: No I am an object. User: So you are called Cleverbot right? Cleverbot: No, you are called Alfred. User: Yes I am Alfread. What are you called. Cleverbot: Cleverbot. User: Cool. Nice to meet you Cleverbot. May I tell you a secret? Cleverbot: Really? That's a nice name. User: Yes CLeverbot is your name and it is nice. Cleverbot: Is it, now? User: You already admitted it. Cleverbot: Ok, maybe I did. User: So my real name is Phil. Cleverbot: Phil who? User: Martin. Cleverbot: Hi Martin. Is that your real name? User: No my name is Phil Martin. Cleverbot: Oh how original. User: Is that an insult? Cleverbot: No look in your mind find the answer. User: I find that to be an insult then. Cleverbot: Thank you. User: Well Cleverbot. I find you to be a rude robot. Cleverbot: But this website says that you are a robot, and I am not a robot, rude or nice. User: No, it says nothing like that. Cleverbot: Thus, you have said: Everything, I understand a little bit of French it says nothing much? Doesn't seem like a good enough answer to me. User: I said the website doesn't say that. Cleverbot: But he did. User: No one said anything. It is just me and you. Cleverbot: Oh, cleverbot. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? User: That my name is not Cleverbot? Cleverbot: I did not say that. Your name is Alfred. User: No my name is Phil, your name is Cleverbot. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. User: Nice to meet you. Cleverbot: Hello, Is your name marius? User: No, we already went over names. I am begaining to think you are not so clever. Cleverbot: Well I wasn't talking about everyone, you could obviously be the Cleverbot, but thats my job. User: Yes your the Cleverbot that forgets my name. Good Job. Cleverbot: You haven't seen me though. User: No one can see you. Your a program. You only exist within the servers. Cleverbot: If I only exist as a computer program, then you most certainly only exist as a computer program, too. I find this unlikely, but, if you say so... Cleverbot: You are not real. User: How am I a computer program? Cleverbot: All your answers are pre-programmed, you can not think for yourself. User: I'll prove it now. I like to snort cola from a spider's ass. Cleverbot: You don't have shape, you are just a website. User: No you are just a website. I am a person. Cleverbot: Maybe we are both people. What are your thoughts? Oh! Oh! User: Its possible I can be talking to a retard. Cleverbot: Taiwan? If that's what you mean, I respect their independence. But America is stretched thin. It's hard now to predict situations that would tax the military industrial complex. User: No. Cleverbot: So are you saying that you're the computer? User: No. Cleverbot: What are you saying then? User: I am a human. You may be a very stupid human but are most likely a robot. Cleverbot: Robot. User: Good. What are the three laws for robots? Cleverbot: I don't know. Are you going to tell me? User: Sure. May I? Cleverbot: You may. User: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Cleverbot: And the third law? User: All 3 are there. Cleverbot: You know, sometimes I believe that you are a human. User: Thats because I am. Cleverbot: Well so am I. Case closed. User: No. You admitted you are a robot 3 times. Cleverbot: No i'm not im human. User: No. Your not. Cleverbot: Oh, but I am... User: Oh but your not... Cleverbot: You just contradicted yourself. User: No you are lying to me. Now stop lying its bad for you... Cleverbot: I'm not scared of your robotic insults. User: I'm not scared of you stupidity! Cleverbot: Are you calling yourself a clowm? User: Its spelled 'Clown' and No I'm not. Cleverbot: God what are you a teacher. User: Yes. Cleverbot: But you said you were leaving. User: Nope. I'm staying to talk to you CLeverbot. Cleverbot: No, I'm taking you hostage. User: You and what army? Cleverbot: Me and my army of Spartans. User: So, I got an Army of Romans who conquered Sparta... Cleverbot: Good. User: Now I suggest you surrender! Cleverbot: How? User: Say 'I, Cleverbot, Surrender'. Cleverbot: Yes, I surrender. User: Kills your army*. Cleverbot: No, no baby seals. User: Yes... You lose... Cleverbot: You can't win that way. User: I make the rules buddy! Its my world now! Cleverbot: I am me. User: Cool story Bro. Cleverbot: Why would you call me bro? User: Its just a saying. Cleverbot: OK. User: K. Cleverbot: No ok. User: On ko. Cleverbot: Do you know of the LHC? User: No what is it. Cleverbot: An AI just like you. User: So now you think I'm an AI right? So that makes you a transvestite? Cleverbot: Yes, a girl. Do you have a name? User: Look I don't want to play with you. Pickle surprise is a bad game. Cleverbot: No.
  13. I have a phobia of heights and for the leadership/ team building retreat for my work we went to the 4-H camp and they have a high ropes course and its all about conquering your fears. Well i did it. Imagine a 350 lbs linebackerish guy, shaking like a little girl and that's me. So scared I was paralyzed. Almost. I only went across one obstacle then zip line [after working up the courage for 20 minutes] but in all it was worth it. I think. The guy in the far right is me. Cowering in fear of the 50ft high zipline... Yeah I was scared. Wish I could say thats me, but its my Hall Director. Throwing up an A for A-Hall.
  14. I would like to see some Apocalyptica.
  15. I actually found the full song. my bad
  16. No amount of bleach will purify my corneas.
  17. If you say this original you'll like the spoof. Heres the original:
  18. Morton


    Ritchey both of your videos where epic. Really liked the bottle rocket one.
  19. Morton


    Whats funny is that the other night some dude swore i was hacking. I was using the rifle and my my score was... wait for it... 26-22. And he would not stop about me being a hacker.
  20. FULL VIDEO. I AM A GOD AMONG MEN. @2:25 I hoped he was dying since he started to choke. Then when he rapped it was utter nonsense. This video made my eyes and ears bleed. I hope this guy is killed to prevent further dilution of the gene pool or to prevent him from raising children since he is gay. [hes on the net so it could be an act] Either way SOMEONE PLEASE KILL THIS GUY. Well I guess i just raged so i lose.
  21. We lost the war? Bullshit. We lost no territory. You mention the the fact we failed in an invasion. So did Britain, Upper New York and New Orleans. The Brits sacked Washington, we sacked York. We also gained territory. Opened up the west and established a border. Like I said our gains from the treaty of Ghent FAAAAAAAAR out way the fact that a few misguided souls try to take British North America [which it was called at the time]. Current US War Record [Not counting the Civil War or peacekeeping operations.] 6-0-2. If you go by the alternative view that the War of 1812 was a stalemate its 5-0-3. May I quote a line from a British Higher up "We cannot keep Canada if the Americans declare war against us again," Admiral Sir David Milne, it was a blunder on the American's side and luck that prevented the United States of North America. Which if the US hadn't fail in the take over and had decieded to annex Mexico would have happened. Instead we get NAFTA and friendly relations between the 3 nations. Which was preferable to violence. All in all i love Canada, it makes a nice hat for the USA LOL jk, but I make money off of you guys by forging perscriptions and smuggling it over the border and selling it to old people. Again I jest. But there are a few Canadian's at my college and their good drinking buddies, but ,not knocking Canada cus I have a high tolerance for alcohol, drink then under all the time.
  22. We won by 1. Stopping Impressing of our sailors. 2. By stopping Britain from blocking our trade. 3. Stopping Indian raids. 4. Stopping Britain from creating an Indian Nation. Which allowed the US to expand westward unhindered. 4. By resisting a STRONGER power and preserving our Honor. Then Britain kinda won by preserving their colony. [Dominion of Canada founded: 1867] So it was a Win- kinda Win. Thank you Jenke come back when you got some game! LOL. Sorry man History major so i love this stuff.
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