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Everything posted by Morton

  1. [face palm] I didn't think about mess hall. My bad.
  2. I looked in the SERVER area and didn't see it. Since It has to do with the vent server I figured it would be here if anywhere. I apologize if its not in the right area.
  3. A few people have asked how to make everyone's volume the same in vent. I would like to put this in here because I guess its part of our servers. I just searched for it on google. Ventrilo Volume Normalization If you already have Ventrilo installed, it is highly recommended that you enable volume normalization by following the steps below. This will compensate for users with quiet or loud microphones and force them to a normalized volume level. - Go to Setup - Enable Direct Sound - Select the SFX Button - Select Compressor and click Add. - Under Compressor Properties use the following settings - Gain = Adjust for how loud you want people to be. - Attack = 0.01 - Release = Around 500 - Threshold = Around -30 - Ratio = 100 - Pre delay = 4.0
  4. This is crazy. Being forced to take off a shirt with an American Flag because its a Mexican Holiday. Thats is utter BULL CRAP. I hope that Vice Principle gets fired. I really do. The irony is that if they had been burning the flag and the guy stopped them the ACLU would have already pressed charges and started suing. Makes me sick.
  5. Morton

    The Old Breed

    This is a on going game I have been playing in Arsenal of Democracy. It is the story of the 1st Marine Division's campaign in the Pacific. [Note: This is not historical] [To be funny I will use some names from our unit. Or not if you don't want me too. Just pm me and I'll add or remove your name.] "Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, January 18th, 1942 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan..." -President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Jan. 19th declaration of war. The war started so unexpectedly. I mean one day I was laughing with the guys and smoking cigarettes and then the next we were summoned to a Battalion wide address by Maj. Parker. It was a real surprise. "Gentleman I have some grave news. As of yesterday we were attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. This means we are at war..." He paused to let that sink in. "We have received orders to assemble and ship out form San Diego Port. The destination will be told to you en route. The road ahead of us is long and rocky. But I have faith in you men. See you on broad and God speed." The next week we spent packing up equipment and stewing in our anger. How dare they attack us. Roberts boasted that he would be the one to put a bullet in Togo's head. Crack shot that Roberts. It was a rough week. But the voyage was worst. It was cramped and smelled like vomit and sweat. And Fear. None of us wanted to die on a stupid transport ship, or worst slowly die of exposure in the ocean. The crowding was so bad the bunks were stacked 6 high. 1stSgt Swartz tried to start calisthenics sessions up but there was no room to exercise so it didn't catch on. we We found out we were going to reinforce the garrison on Guam. A suicide run in my books but we were assured the Navy that the waters were clear of Togos but with the navy you could never tell... We arrived at Guam without incident and started to off load equipment. The Togos must have made a mistake not taking the island when they had the chance. We settled in and fortified our position and waited for the Japanese assault. NEXT THE 1st BATTLE OF GUAM! [As soon as I get a chance to write it up]
  6. Name: Hubal Steam I.D. : "Hubal" STEAM_0:1:11381851 14:20 190 0 active Reason: Continually T/K'ing Time for ban - 1 week
  7. COH (32) TrackMania (20) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (21) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (11) Dota (21)
  8. COH (32) TrackMania (20) WoW (19) Bad Company (20) L4D (20) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (11) Dota (21)
  9. I was looking on Steam and I really like the game's look and read a few reviews but I would like the word from my fellow Raiders. Should I buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobly? I really enjoy RPG's like Fallout 3 and Oblivion.
  10. Maybe.... but probably not. Now does this make me gay?
  11. COH (30) TrackMania (20) WoW (19) Bad Company (20) L4D (19) TF2 (19) Sol Survivor (20) Eve (12) Dota (21)
  12. I live at Arkansas State University. In Jonesboro AR. Here is the Library And My Residence Hall
  13. Not yet, I have no one to play with, my friends don't want to and i don't have xbl due to monetary constraints. I will convince someone to eventually tho.
  14. Yeah its a good game. It just that i have been playing Splinter Cell since the start so it was kind of a let down. But still good.
  15. Makes scene that someone else would post on it. Guess i didn't see it.
  16. I recently played Splinter Cell Conviction and would have to say its not in the same ball park as the others, They were about stealth and careful planning. This one was about running around and blowing stuff up. I still liked it only I wish it would have been more true to the series. Also the daylight mission in Iraq was horrible. Its a stealth game that randomly has a combat mission. Phil's Rating: 8.5
  17. I'll try it. If I can find my restore disc. Thanks.
  18. I turn it off properly. The only time I have held down the button was when it was frozen on the disc check on bootup.
  19. It doesn't tell me what error i have. It just says that my harddrive has corrupt files. I go to do a scan for errors and when it reboots to scan it does the above. So i have no clue whats going on.
  20. My pc says I have a error on my hard drive. So i go to disc checker and run it. The pc reboots. Counts down from 10 to 0 and SKIPS the check with out any input from me. I thought at first I had accidentally hit a key so i rechecked it. So then it had a count down from ten, only when it hit 0 another countdown from ten started. Then it froze up. I let it sit for a hour with no process made. So then i restarted it manually. And hit the key to skip it. Looked online and the only thing it said was to delete the disc check boot up from my Registry. Which i did. Know I would like to know how to fix the error. I have tried: * System Restore * Scan Disc [see above] * Registry Cleaner * Anti Virus deep clense * Anti spy ware * Anti Malware I run Windows 7 Home Premium. Please Help so I can fix the error. So far it doesn't effect the system but I would like to fix it.
  21. I know this is a couple of weeks later. But what grinds my gears is that its claimed that the leader of the United State homeland is Kenya. The man is supposed to be the REPRESENTATIVE of the UNITED STATES and his wife claims his homeland isn't even the US. That's just making me mad.
  22. HAHA I knew Tom Hanks was doing this for years. A friend of a friends cousin knew a guy who knew a co worker of a delivery driver who was forced to reenact WW2.
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