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Carton of Newports

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Everything posted by Carton of Newports

  1. Name: Carton of Newports Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3448627 Date & Time of ban: Yesterday Admin who banned you: Looks like Magoo Excuse for the Unban: I think a permanent ban is harsh for my situation. Sergeant Major Legend stated that I have been trolling and spamming over the past few weeks but he must be mistaking me with someone else. I haven't been on this server for a year, and I was camping with no electricity or running water from July 4th-10th so that leaves the timeframe at one week. Now the first week back I am banned because I supposedly was trolling? The only thing I can be accused of is joining in on conversations that other pubbers have been having. There have been multiple nights that I was on where I was not even talking very much. I have never been muted or told directly by an admin on the server to stop talking about anything, and now last night in the middle of colmar I was banned out of nowhere. I think it is grossly unfair to permanently ban me for something that I was never [sic] warned about. It's not like I spray porn, TK intentionally, or make racially incendiary comments over in-game chat. Sure I get riled up sometimes when there's conversations going on in-game (and who doesn't?!), but if an admin asks us to stop talking I don't push the issue.
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