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Everything posted by Peaker

  1. Yeah. Oh god, I so wonder who they will pick to play Oberyn Martell and the rest of the Martell crew. Easily my favourite Westeros family. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
  2. I did it once and got everything correct and got 50 028, not bad for a second language Though honestly a lot of those words are scientific and thus based on Latin or Greek etymology, so knowing French makes it easier.
  3. I was so happy they didn't cut Meera and Jojen Reed, since Bran's arc would have been much less interesting without them. Can't wait for Coldhands though
  4. Allow me to respectfully disagree. Knowing why something happened is very important if you want to prevent it from reoccurring as much as possible in the future. Nonetheless, it's also very important to give support to the victims as we hunt the motherfucker(s) responsible. I'm really hoping it was a lone crazy and not something more organized as this could get very ugly (And it already is). A lot of compatriots (Quebeckers) were running the marathon and I'm also hoping they're alright. That said I heard they have a suspect under guard at the hospital.
  5. Yeah, I think the guy with the bow was the bastard or it doesn't make any sense. I'll have to reread the books. I can't wait for the awesomeness that will happen in Astapor And yes, I love that they gave a bunch of new dialogue to Tywin for example, both with Jaime and Arya. Also, MOTHERFUCKING CIARAN HINDS plays Mance Rayder!!#@?!# Hell yeah. (He was playing Ceasar in Rome)
  6. The TV show is really good though, and I like some of the changes they introduced.
  7. Yeah, but in the TV show the people who take Jaime in are clearly men at arms under a knight or nobleman. Whereas in the book it's different.
  8. I'm a bit puzzled with Theon though, I don't remember him really escaping until book what, 4-5? Also, Jaime doesn't get his hand cut off by Northmen, but by the Mountain's men that are employed by Roose Bolton methinks.
  9. Sadly I don't In other news, our game of Civ has gotten off the ground, thus far the following noteworthy things have happened: (I play the Russians, Griswold plays the Ethiopians and McDowell the Incas) -Griswold has founded the first religion in the world, the powerful Jihadism in which the almighty Ethiopian god pursues the conquest of all the deserts of the world. -McDowell has given in to his inner hatred and founded the Ku Klux Klan. No reports have come from his land as all people wearing blue clothing or not speaking the local language have been executed. (The local alphabet is composed of 346 characters, all vowels.). However, some report that they drugged a local prostitute and proclaimed her an oracle (He built the Oracle wonder). -The Russians, still godless heathens, have been staying relatively isolated in the north of the giant continent, with hordes upon hordes of barbarians assaulting their holdings. Reports have been coming in of their incalculable greed however, and their vast riches (Seriously, I have like 5 gold ressources.) They also apparently like giant bloody buildings. (2 wonders thus far, almost 2 others done!) The map really hates us. It's basically divided thus: The north is a hostile and terrible tundra. South of that, taking about 33% of the map is a giant bloody desert full of barbarians. South of that is a giant jungle occupied by Sweden and a bunch of people. Then south of the jungle, there is another giant desert.
  10. Most memorable would have to be mmm: The Red Army Choir Les Goules (A french canadian group) Duchess Says Styx Kiss (I know, I know) And a bunch of obscure electronic, classical, rock etc... musicians.
  11. That would be amazing. I admit I was a bit surprised when he went all batshit crazy on our asses because given previous declarations by him, I expected a much more moderate leader than Kim Jong Ill. If this was his plan, it would explain a lot. But hey, it's very possible he's just going after more aid too.
  12. It's the worker's right to strike for better conditions. Without unions and strikes we would still be in the 1800s with kids working in clothing mills and 16 hours days. Here in Quebec, the reign of our own Thatcher, Duplessis, who repressed the unions, is widely known as "The great darkness". While unions can get out of hand, it's better than when bosses get out of hand. I'll never agree with Thatcher's policies, but I do respect her for her drive and for being able to be both Britain's first female PM and longest serving.
  13. We can pause and save, help out and then come back to the game after!
  14. So this is happening tomorrow, you guys still in!?
  15. 10 mins is mostly for the later part of the game when we'll have a lot of units and wars going on. Since turns are simultaneous, say you finish your turn in 5, you only have 5 mins to wait, not so bad, especially since we'll be in vent. Gives you time to arrange some secret diplomacy Yeah, it would be better to have everyone there to play, otherwise we can just save. (You're welcome to join us Lt. Col!) Wednesday at 6-7 PM EST then!
  16. Cool McDowell! So here are the settings I propose: Random Map Type Large Map Size (10 Civilizations and 20 city states) Standard Game Length (500 turns) Max 10 mins per turn Simultaneous turns Thus far we have, confirmed, for wednesday: Zorbanos (USA or Japan) Peaker (Russia) McDowell Is that cool for everyone? If you wanna join us, feel free to post here and to call your civilization!
  17. This is a pretty great game, but honestly I didn't notice that much of a difference for graphics. Maybe the resolution is a bit better? Well, at least it'll run on new machines without compatibility problems.
  18. I'm down too, but only during the day, since I work from 16h to 00h. My favourite is Napoleon Total War, does everyone have that? Otherwise, well I have them all, so just pick one.
  19. I'm calling Russia, all will be one with Russia.
  20. Also Richards, what you fail to mention is that the Polytechnique was in 1989. 1 person died in the Dawson shooting. The total number of people that died in school shootings since 1989 is 8. Since the introduction of more stringent gun laws, the highest death toll in a school shooting was 4 (50% of all the school shooting related death in 24 years). We have had, during that same period, 6 school shootings (3 of which were not rampages, but personal altercations between students) compared to well...wikipedia had to create a separate page for the US, because it wouldn't fit in the main article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_schoo...ed_States#1990s
  21. Hopefully that will be a feature for Rome Total War 2. We could start by a campaign of Civ 5, that sounds like something cool and it looks like many people in the unit have it. And since it's a turn by turn, we can always save and continue if we have to stop. So I would be down for starting this say...next wednesday, after 6 PM EST?
  22. Hey guys, it would be really nice if we could get a strategy game going with members of the 1st MRB. My suggestions are the following, but i'm open to ideas: Civilization 4 or 5 Hearts of Iron (2 or 3) Total war games Post if you are interested!
  23. It's a lighter shade I believe.
  24. There's a distinction to be made. LBGT people don't ask for the right to marry in a church, according to the Roman or Protestant rite. LBGT people ask the right to civil~ marriage, which gives a bunch of advantages. Personally, my solution would be to allow gays civil marriage and to give a further incentive per child born so we can still have the natality rate we need (Because at least here in Quebec, our population is slowly aging, which is a big problem). In Canada they already have the right to marry though, hurray for us!
  25. Thanks for sharing this doc Parker, it's simply surreal what happens in there.
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