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T. Brown 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by T. Brown 1st MRB

  1. SO, 2/2's practice last night had some nice nade placement lessons from Magoo (and Patrick) on anzio. I decided to test it out, just to see if these guys know what they're talkin' about. FIRST TIME TRYING IT, BOOM I shall never doubt your abilities again. In public. ><}}}'> <--- have a fish
  2. Found this on the dev forums, not much help but at least its kind of an explanation why smoke lags some people out (fyi, mat_dxlevel changes the Directx mode so if you've already experimented with that, derp...; more info here)
  3. ritalin? (which is not a supplement btw)
  4. You are now my favorite person for the next day and I will consume an extra one for your lack of Yuengling; it is the greatest American drink ever made EVER.
  5. How does one argue with a bunch of scientists about the Higgs Boson? Mass-debate. *hehehehehehe*
  6. To go with Bryant's question about the type of bike, what kind of lock?
  7. Does McD's have health insurance? I realized I was getting up there in age when I started paying attention to that perk : P
  8. : ( I find few things which aggravate me to lose my patience, but job hunting / job interviews that are wastes of time really get to me. If you're good at typing, there is a data entry position opening up in August with a company I do some contract work for. It's tedious, but you get to work at home and the amount of work should steadily increase based on performance Send me a PM if you're interested (and can type 60+wpm!)
  9. aww that blows, sorry to hear mate. Was it locked up at all? I had a Giant taken back in 2002, lock mine up religiously since.
  10. Get a box there : D i will give you 253 internet points and a high five. Get 3+ boxes there : D i will give you 254! internet points, a high five, and leave a hamster in your home.
  11. Information here: here FBI's somewhat-crappy testing kit here: here How to find out your DNS address: here If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here and I'll (and I assume the others) will happily provide answers. While the number of "supposed" infected seems high (227k computers), it really isn't that big of a threat, so don't panic if you think you might have the infection. It is VERY easily treatable and removable. -Tim
  12. Brown's will always win everything, even contests like this. We don't care what we win, just as long as we do.
  13. This may very well be the greatest online publication ever in the history of all that has ever been written. It is absolutely flawless, like Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, only its on a forum, in text, online. Nonetheles, a masterpiece. Nobel prize, here you guys come! Seriousness, good job! Thoroughly enjoyed, especially the part about me
  14. Here's answers in case you suck and want to cheat
  15. While I'm waiting for DoD to update, figured I'd post this interesting little thing from one of the artists for Mojang ( Deviant Art page here). Modern games re-imagined in classic feel! Can you guess what is what? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  16. That. was. AMAZING. I saw at least one 5er at 1:50...were there more? And is there a Nade MOS? I want in.
  17. Is there any procedure (or precedent) in investigating situations like this? I've never seen something in the sport's world so unanimously disagreed with.
  18. Lab + ? Freakin' adorable! LOVE hermit crabs! I do not know why but I find them so fascinating to watch, and amazed by their personalities. Have you decided not to get any other pets for a while? I'm still struggling with my cat's death, it was not pleasant (is it ever?) or quick, and while I think it is certainly worth the pain for the years of love, I am very hesitant about going through it again. Socks had some amazing color though
  19. Works for me; would love to get some work in, always helps me learn by having a particular problem to solve. The differences can be pretty subtle, but when removed after some time using them, can become very noticeable. I just asked as that might be the simplest reason, but if you have proof and/or feel confident it is the skins, then seconding what Rather said, a link to wherever you procured them will help much
  20. Well shit, rest of you people need to get some damn pets.
  21. May be a silly question but never know; had you customized your config.cfg file at all? If so, re-installing DOD might have wiped out whatever tweaks you may have had and knocked it back to the default, so you would need to tweak it again (or download and add the autoexec line again if you were using Dillon's config )
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