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About Barney

  • Birthday 12/11/1986

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    Masshole transplanted to Long Island
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Forum Pupil

Forum Pupil (12/91)



  1. http://blog.theinspecters.com/british-man-...woman/#more-259 Has anyone heard about this guy over there? Is he really popular or well known? How is he holding a city council position... saw this online and was loling but got to wondering if any of our brothers across the pond have heard of him.
  2. Awesome man! A fresh OS install along with a fresh Steam installation should eliminate all problems, so def let us know how it turns out, good luck!
  3. Gardner, navigate to: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\youraccount\day of defeat source\dod\scripts and look for "weapon_ifm_steadycam" in the directory mentioned. Rename weapon_ifm_steadycam (just put some Xs at the end or something) and let us know if the game still hangs and disconnects. I looked up your issue and what I found was that weapon_ifm_steadycam could be an old file from the DODS beta and some servers may block it believing its some kind of bad script... no I idea if it will work or not but figured it wouldn't hurt to try.
  4. Johnson, has your issue been resolved? Or do you need more help in getting a solution? Please let us know if we can close/complete your ticket.
  5. Manning should have been found guilty of all charges and thrown in the brig for the rest of his miserable fucking life. That Colonel Lind bitch was too soft. Maybe she doesn't understand what her job is. Just another example of the Mothers of America running the show folks. Once again tarnishing and weakening the US Military and their integrity. What ever happened to putting little girls like this up against a wall and giving a firing squad the go ahead?
  6. hey man I'll be around all day on Friday, so if you want to do it then we can both hop on vent and I can walk you through doing it over vent Just hit me up on steam chat, I'll be sure to leave my mobile app logged in on my phone so you can reach me!
  7. +1 However make sure you are changing the channel it is operating on, not the frequency. As the frequency is what determines G, or N bands. http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wifihom...wifichannel.htm That link is a somewhat detailed how-to about changing your channel for your routers broadcasting
  8. You should try changing the channel / frequency your router is operating on. click this link to see how to log into your router That's assuming you have the router BELL FibreOP gave you. There should be an option to change the channel your router is operating on. You can take screen shots and post them if you need to so we can help walk you though them. Also check this link from BELL FibreOP's website: here that will provide additional trouble shooting tips for interference you may be encountering.
  9. I would agree with McDowell, your issue does have some hallmarks of bad or failing hardware. What construction is your moms bf's desk made of? If it's one of those cheaper ones with a lot of metal, it could easily be a culprit. What I would have you try are as follows: Have you already tried power cycling your router and modem? You would do this by unplugging both from the power outlets, leaving them unplugged for a few minutes, then reconnecting them. Another possible fix is changing the channel on which your wireless network is operating on. you would do this by logging into your router and adjusting the channel it is broadcasting on. We can assist you with this better if you post the make and model of your router. Neighbors around you may have started setting up wireless networks, and when they are on the same channel they can cause interference. If you have an android phone you can download wifi analyzer and it will give you a graphic display of other networks operating around you and how close, etc. This method has actually worked great for me when my wireless router was acting up for no reason. Upon investigation of the wireless networks around me I determined they're probably all on the same channel as mine. After changing the channel on which my router operated my connectivity issues were alleviated. Hope this helps! Good hunting!
  10. Barney

    Quote Thread

    TSgt. L. Barry [1st MRB] *about to be killed and screaming over ingame voice*: TIME OUT TIME OUT TIME OUT!!!
  11. The pacific and Generation Kill are both amazing. Jarhead is utter and complete... read the book. One of the most amazing and truthful novels i have ever read.
  12. Holy shit.... so many feels. I was in a ton of RBs and IDs... I played a lot on Merrils Marauders and Over The Hill... I only remember a few names... My cousin was in the 5th SS I believe at one point. Anyone remember a Clericuzio? He started quite a few units. There was also some kid named Lara (SoccerLara I think was his AIM/forum name..) Man those were the good old days. Sucks there aren't really any decent servers around that arent frigging gun game or dod_orange maps.
  13. Hey brother, check out my posts in this thread Most importantly, keep the case off the side of your computer, and make sure your GPU's fan is working. Run heavyload on your machine and let us know if everything comes out OK. From the sounds of everything I think you're hitting the nail on the head. It's most likely a bad GPU. Let us know how the machine performs with the card you buy from best buy. Just be aware, their return policy changed recently and only gives you 15 days to make a return. Regardless, at least run heavyload and make sure the unit doesn't crash or come up with errors. Good luck!
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