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Everything posted by stayathomedad

  1. You may believe that I have been defeated in this war, but I have not. You may have won this battle, but I have already won the war. You may stop be but you cannot stop my son, or his son, or his son’s son. WE will prevail, we will succeed. JUst as the many who have fallen before, the 1st mrb will be succumbed by the flames and shadows bowing just like the rest. I cannot stopped, for I am your superior in every way. I will bring your server down, I will raise hell, and in the end only one can prevail. I will stand on the skulls of your fallen, holding up your burning banner to the rising sun. When that day happens, you will all know that I am victorious. I cannot be stopped, I will not be stopped. One day I shall return anew. You will not be able to stop me. I will return to avenge my name in the honor of the gods! Whatever weapon you throw against me I will unleash the full fury of all my power. I will unleash the storm which will flood your men and destroy all hope. I will cast down vengeance upon thee, and in the name of the four winds you will all be sent to your doom.
  2. Hey man. I know I've been quite a bit of trouble on the server. I don't really mean any harm or intent of being disrespectful. Either I'm just having too much fun or mad at someone. If it's really that much of a problem I will stop the mic spams immediately. I will also accept the one week ban , but I do not wish to be banned permanently. I promise that after one week is up you will not receive the lot of trouble that I caused, if I do you can just perma ban me then, no harm done. I also do have this urge to change my name every couple of days. So if it is in your best interest I will keep a consistent name when playing on your server. I really like your server, honestly. It's the only one that doesn't suck pretty much. All the rest are either dead, or too hardcore or just too stupid. I enjoy the 1st mrb a lot. A lot of good players and the server is a good ping for me. So if you keep that one week on me, you have my word that I will not be any trouble. If you have any conditions feel free to lay them out and I will accept. Also I don't know those people personally. I Just think they were hilarious as hell. Though if you want me to stay out of mic chat under all circumstances when they're on. I will. Thanks for reading. Edit: I also wanted to mention I am pretty new to the game too. So I'm pretty off when I play sometimes. If this also had anything to do with the 3 team kills on the snow map, It was an accident. I mean I watched people toss nades over that wall, but mine kept getting stuck on the tree. I don't mean to kill anyone.
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