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What is on your bucket list?

Ford 1st MRB

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Things I want to do before I die...

- Learn how to speak French, Spanish, Italian, and certain dialects of Filipino.

- Drive a corvette.

- Take a vacation in Europe.

- Have a relationship that isn't long distance or becomes long distance in the middle of it.

- Coach a baseball team.

- Catch a baseball at an MLB game.

- Drive cross country.

- Build my own, badass computer.

There's more, but that's all I can write for now.

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Places I want to go:

Knob Creek, TN for the twice-a-year Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot

East Asia/Pacific Tour:

- 3 weeks in Japan. Start in Osaka, work my way up to Hokkaido; Try not to spend all my money in Akihabara.

- A few days over in S. Korea

- A few days in China, then a visit to Hong Kong, maybe for three days.

- A few days in Thailand where I try not to be murdered by a friend of mine. She says its in jest but still. :x

- A few days in Singapore

- Down to Perth, Australia to visit some of my friends from the intrawebs D:

- Up to the Philippines for a month visiting family

- Here in Saipan for a week

- Up north to Alaska to round it all out.

European Tour:

- England to make fun of their police state.

- Scotland and Ireland to load up on booze to send home

- France because I have to. Why fly when you can take the train or drive?

- Switzerland, buy an actual awesome Swiss Army knife

- Germany for the booze and culture

- Poland to visit Pope John Paul II's homeland

- Then to Italy and the Vatican

America (and America's Hat):

- Uh...screw that I'm staying in Virginia. Unless some of you up there invite me to the non-French speaking parts.

- Maybe California to do the same thing I would do in England. Make fun of your nanny state.

Things I want to own:

- Crap...uh...firearms would end up a whole long post by themselves. Let's just say I'll own enough guns, ammunition, and outdated military equipment to outfit a third world country.

- Land Rover Defender 130 (screw your fancy Lambos and crap.)

Things I want to do:

- Learn Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, German, and Russian

- Learn to be a gunsmith

- Work at an embassy with the State Department

- Go rally driving

- Learn how to and participate in off-road competitions/races (can be connected to above)

- Own and operate a fully restored M4 Sherman Firefly and if the Euros would let me, a fully functioning Leopard 2A5 (diesel is cheaper than jet fuel xP)

- Live to see the anti-gun lobby marginalized into nothing and the Brady Campaign folks to finally disband (wishful thinking)

Edited by Pangilinan 1st MRB
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I'm really boring apparently - I don't have a bucket list really...

I have some stuff I'll never be able to do but at one point thought I could, they are (well, maybe they're still possible, but highly unlikely):

A) Play in a well known/famous rock/blues band (either lead guitar or bass)

B) Make it to nationals for diving (I could go for this in Masters Diving, but it would require a huge amount of dedication I can't give right now)

C) Qualify and race in a national MX.

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My List:

See the pyramids.

Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.

Cage dive with great whites off South Africa.

Spend a week in Fiji doing absolutely nothing.

Tour Europe. Mostly Southern Europe although I'd like to visit Russia and Germany.

Ski the Alps.

Become a Charter Fisherman in the Bahamas. (This is actually my retirement plan that I have been saving for.)

Have breakfast in New York and Dinner in Paris in the same day.

Play golf on every continent. (2 down, 4 to go.) Antarctica doesn't count.

Learn to play the guitar.

Play a round of golf at St. Andrews.

Go ice fishing.

I think these are all do-able and since I've done pretty much everything I want to do in America I left that off my list. I do want to see all 50 states, but I've been to all or through all except Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and New Hampshire.

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Let's see now,

1. Fly in a military helicopter. Done that

2. Jump out of an Airplane. Done that, see #1

3. Travel to foreign land meet new people and cultures. Done that, again see #1

4. Get married, have great kids and wonderful wife. Done the first part, got rid of the second part, wasn't as wonderful

5. Drive a big vehicle. Done that, does a tank qualify

6. Fire big guns. Done that, see #5

7. Climb a mountain. Done that.

8. SCUBA. Uh, done that, see #1

9. Have sex with a beautiful blonde and brunette at the same time. Done that

10. Damn I have done everything on my bucket list, is it time for me to die?

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Some of you don't understand the concept of a bucket list apparently.

It isn't things you have already done, or things that are impossible to do (Zahl), it's a list. A list of things you would like to do before you die. Pretty simple, though some of you seem to have trouble grasping what it is.

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Some of you don't understand the concept of a bucket list apparently.

It isn't things you have already done, or things that are impossible to do (Zahl), it's a list. A list of things you would like to do before you die. Pretty simple, though some of you seem to have trouble grasping what it is.

I was making a joke, lol.

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1. Fire a gatling gun

2. Sky dive.

3. Get a girlfriend who actually lives in the same city as me

4. Have kids that are actually related to me

5. Be either a detective or weapons designer

6. Own over 10 rifles and learn the ways of a sniper.

7. (if i become a weapons designer) Sell a gun shipment to BlackWater

8. Meet this amazing girl in New York that i know.

9. Be a 1st MRB member till the day i die.

10. Have friends that aren't over the internet

11. Get Malcom McDowell's autograph

Edited by Damon 1st MRB
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  • 3 weeks later...

European Tour:

- England to make fun of their police state.

- Scotland and Ireland to load up on booze to send home

- France because I have to. Why fly when you can take the train or drive?

- Switzerland, buy an actual awesome Swiss Army knife

- Germany for the booze and culture

- Poland to visit Pope John Paul II's homeland

- Then to Italy and the Vatican

What, no Wales? tosspot.

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My Bucket list:

1. Serve at least 15 years in the Army

2. Buy a Harley Fat Boy, drive across the country, seeing everything.

3. have an amazing wife and a kid

4. Visit the World Trade Center Memorial twice: One when Tower 1 is finished, and the other time when Tower 2 and the other buildings are finished.

5. Bang all the girls I can.

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European Tour:

- England to make fun of their police state.

- Scotland and Ireland to load up on booze to send home

- France because I have to. Why fly when you can take the train or drive?

- Switzerland, buy an actual awesome Swiss Army knife

- Germany for the booze and culture

- Poland to visit Pope John Paul II's homeland

- Then to Italy and the Vatican

What, no Wales? tosspot.

Let's face it, the only reason I'll visit Wales is for Cardiff and to see if Torchwood is really located there...and maybe watch a game of football in Cardiff City Stadium. And oh yeah, to make fun of the police state. -is mugged by hooligans-

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