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Cast 1st MRB

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So this morning I when bed at 8am and then I woke up again at 10am to me standing on my bed with a lightbulb in my hand, yes I said lightbulb. So somehow in my sleep I thought hmm I need to take that lightbulb out. Now my light worked fine until i tried to put the fucking thing back in broke the bulb and stepped on abit of it aswell. Then when we try to put a new lightbulb in it we find out the fucking plastic part of the light is broken. So i don't have a light. I haven't slept walked in years and to do that is just plain weird. Amount of times I reply to people in my sleep or turn my alarms off in my sleep. Or wake up with a random bruise on my head. So anyone else got any interesting tales?

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i have one scary thing! when i did boot camp i allways sleep on my uniform. and on my uniform i have a knife that means that under all my shit ther is a knife hard to get and everything. you cant relly move around when ur 15guys in a tent but somhow i my sleep i pulld out the knife and hold it in the air like im going to attack someone (like we did train the 3days before)

i have onother one happening the same night but whit a friend in the same tent. we wher sleeping whit ammo in the guns to faster be ready to deffend the camp if somthing happens and one friend did sitt up and tryid to pull the manover handel (get a bullet in the loop) but i grab the gun away from him and he whent back to sleep. 20min l8r he sit up said that 2000 pull upps its hard to do. but he would do it!

i do have alot more but thows was the funny ones!

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i have one scary thing! when i did boot camp i allways sleep on my uniform. and on my uniform i have a knife that means that under all my shit ther is a knife hard to get and everything. you cant relly move around when ur 15guys in a tent but somhow i my sleep i pulld out the knife and hold it in the air like im going to attack someone (like we did train the 3days before)

i have onother one happening the same night but whit a friend in the same tent. we wher sleeping whit ammo in the guns to faster be ready to deffend the camp if somthing happens and one friend did sitt up and tryid to pull the manover handel (get a bullet in the loop) but i grab the gun away from him and he whent back to sleep. 20min l8r he sit up said that 2000 pull upps its hard to do. but he would do it!

i do have alot more but thows was the funny ones!

OMG Berg

Moral of the story guys (no matter how I out this its gunna sound wrong) don't sleep next to Berg.

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Reminds me of the old Boot Camp stories...

In USMC boot camp, due to the amount of inane bullshit you go through, and the repitiion, it's not uncommon to be standing guard duty (like they do every night) and here some one yell in their sleep "AYE AYE SIR!" or some such...

However my story is a little different

According to the guards on T-9 (Training Day 9, 9 days after we met our DI's for the first time), I arose from my deep slumber, and somehow managed to walk my way down to the edge of the squad bay, where the Drill Instructors Hut was. No one stopped me, figuring if I was gonna go bother the DI, I had a damn good reason. I apparently made a facing movement towards the DI Hut Door, banged on it very loudly three times, and yelled at the top of my lungs "GOOD MORNING GENTLEMEN!" then proceeded to turn back, go back to my rack and fall asleep. The poor kid standing guard duty, they thought it was him and tore him apart. I awoke to them screaming, and I was half in and half out of my rack, with no recollection how I got there. To this day, I have no idea what spawned it, but it was pretty god damn funny when the kid told me the story the first time.

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Reminds me of the old Boot Camp stories...

In USMC boot camp, due to the amount of inane bullshit you go through, and the repitiion, it's not uncommon to be standing guard duty (like they do every night) and here some one yell in their sleep "AYE AYE SIR!" or some such...

However my story is a little different

According to the guards on T-9 (Training Day 9, 9 days after we met our DI's for the first time), I arose from my deep slumber, and somehow managed to walk my way down to the edge of the squad bay, where the Drill Instructors Hut was. No one stopped me, figuring if I was gonna go bother the DI, I had a damn good reason. I apparently made a facing movement towards the DI Hut Door, banged on it very loudly three times, and yelled at the top of my lungs "GOOD MORNING GENTLEMEN!" then proceeded to turn back, go back to my rack and fall asleep. The poor kid standing guard duty, they thought it was him and tore him apart. I awoke to them screaming, and I was half in and half out of my rack, with no recollection how I got there. To this day, I have no idea what spawned it, but it was pretty god damn funny when the kid told me the story the first time.

On a scale 10 to 10 how bad did the kid get chewed out

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Reminds me of the old Boot Camp stories...

In USMC boot camp, due to the amount of inane bullshit you go through, and the repitiion, it's not uncommon to be standing guard duty (like they do every night) and here some one yell in their sleep "AYE AYE SIR!" or some such...

However my story is a little different

According to the guards on T-9 (Training Day 9, 9 days after we met our DI's for the first time), I arose from my deep slumber, and somehow managed to walk my way down to the edge of the squad bay, where the Drill Instructors Hut was. No one stopped me, figuring if I was gonna go bother the DI, I had a damn good reason. I apparently made a facing movement towards the DI Hut Door, banged on it very loudly three times, and yelled at the top of my lungs "GOOD MORNING GENTLEMEN!" then proceeded to turn back, go back to my rack and fall asleep. The poor kid standing guard duty, they thought it was him and tore him apart. I awoke to them screaming, and I was half in and half out of my rack, with no recollection how I got there. To this day, I have no idea what spawned it, but it was pretty god damn funny when the kid told me the story the first time.

You did that in your sleep?



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Story one of my buddies who just get outta boot said was one kid started to sleep talk so a DI went over to his bunk and shined a flash like in he eyes before asking if he thinks talking at night is funny. the kid wakes up and looks over into the face of the DI who then whispers continuous "push bitch push" for the next 30 the kid can only respond "aye sir" as he does pushups on his bunk

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I used to sleepwalk all the time. Some notable things I've done:

Opened the front door, took a whiz.

Stood up on the living room floor, adjusted my bathrobe, jumped up and touched the ceiling, layed back down and right back to sleep.

At camp every year, the counselor would have to put his bed in front of the door so I wouldn't keep roaming out in the woods (where there were lots of bears, btw)

Woke up in bed with a skillet, an eggshell, and a fork in my hand. I have no idea what happened to the egg.

Aaaand last but not least, I woke up with between my mattress and my boxspring.

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One time I heard my brother go to the loo in my sleep so i sleepwalked into his room and when to sleep on his bed, he was like 'MOM!, Laura in my bed!'. Another time i sleep walked across the landing, my mom followed me and she said all i was saying was gotta get to my grandmas gotta get to my grandmas. She followed me all the way downstairs where I tried to door couldn't open it and when back up stairs to my room

Edited by Cast 1st MRB
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Story one of my buddies who just get outta boot said was one kid started to sleep talk so a DI went over to his bunk and shined a flash like in he eyes before asking if he thinks talking at night is funny. the kid wakes up and looks over into the face of the DI who then whispers continuous "push bitch push" for the next 30 the kid can only respond "aye sir" as he does pushups on his bunk

I have another story to note. I was standing firewatch one day, at the front post, which was a stack of foot lockers facing the front door of the squad bay. One night, the drill instructor came out and started screaming at me. The squad leader was asleep in the bottom rack right behind me, and as the DI was tearing me a new one, the kid rolled over in his sleep, and went "Shhhhhhhhhh". The DI stopped in mid scream and looked at him then at me then at him then at me again and said "Did he just fucking shush me? DID THIS BITCH JUST FUCKING SHUSH ME?" I stood there, flabbergasted, thinking either this cat had the biggest balls in the world, or he was masochist. Then the kid whispers again, a little louder "Shhhhhhhhhhh!" The DI flipped a lid, kicked the footlockers into his rack, sending a foot locker rolling across his chest and started screaming. THe kid never had any idea, and to this day, blames me for getting him fucked up for something he didn't do. Still doesn't believe me that he shushed a DI in his sleep.

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