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Real life!

Cantin 1st MRB

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for me;

im living in Canada, Quebec

im working in a liquor store!

im currently studying at Polytechnique( engineeer's school ) at University of Montreal..civil engineering

I speek; french,english, litlle bit of spanish

i love sports in general..my favorite hockey team is MONTREAL CANADIENS :D

i love travelling...

thats pretty much it!

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Well i'm 19 years old, and i Live in southern finland, Don't have a job yet unfortunately, got 2½ yrs more to go at college, studying business.

I Speak a tiny little swedish, english ofcourse, and finnish. Interests, well gaming obviously, excercising, going to the gym, + clubbin' & Drinking on weekends ;D

Theres something lil about me.

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I live in Toronto, Canada

Sales Representative for a paint distribution company (it pays the bills, but I'll be getting into real estate soon)

Graduated with a Specialist (double Major) in Psychology

English, French, Italian, a little German, a little Spanish and Latin

I love sports, especially hockey. I use to play hockey for the University of Toronto but I blew out my knee, so now I just play it for fun.

I like movies and tv shows like Sons of Anarchy, House, Rescue Me, Hell on Wheels, and The Walking Dead of course.

With friends and family I'll usually go skiing, play poker, play pool, play some hoops or pickup hockey.

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I live in NorthEastern USA. Sanford Maine to be exact.

I am a full time Gamer and MRB representative (unemployed lol)

Im a Junior in High School and is studying Culinary Arts

I speak English, some French, but I want to Speak German

My interests are cooking, gaming, basketball, and partying AH SEY YEE

17 years old and been gaming competitively for 6 years, ALL on DOD:S. 17 and feeling old in the gaming world is a pain in the ass ;)

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I'm Jake, I'm 17 and I'm an alcoholic......... (sorry, couldn't resist)

I live in Cardiff, Wales, UK and am currently in college, studying Physics, Maths and Welsh Baccalaureate (a.k.a an amzingly boring waste of time)

I'm currently unemployed as jobs are pretty scarce around here.

I speak English, french to GCSE standard (e.g. hardly any) and a bit of welsh, but not much.

My interests are Music (i play both piano and drums and am learning melodeon) and i am hoping to take either Lighting Design and Technology, Live event technology, sound engineering or computer games development in university. I also do parkour and mountain biking when the weather's nice enough (can't in the rain, and there's enough of that here)

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My name is Lawrence I'm 25

I live in the evergreen State, Washington in the US.

I'm an Interior Systems Specialist (fancy title for Metal Framer, Drywaller, and Acoustic Ceiling Installer) and, for side jobs any Residential Construction (I'll build you a house from the ground up). Currently on Layoff season though :D

I finished the apprenticeship and when I get the cash again I'll start taking one online class at a time to finish my Associates degree and work towards engineering.

I speak Americanized English and Jobsite Latin Spanish

I like puppies and unicorns and crab cakes.......... Shit wrong website. :P I like joking around, playing video games, watching my daughter be alittle terror and watching my other daughter kick the shit out of her mom from the inside. I used to train in various Martial ARts but with the kids and work I don't work with an instructor anymore I just independtly train as time allows it.

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Steven Hudson, Age 27

I live in Katy, Tx just outside Houston.

I work as a petroleum engineer for an oil and gas company.

I graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering.

I speak English, and a little Spanish and Russian.

I enjoy umpiring baseball, playing video games, playing golf, and watching most any sports.

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Derwyn Jordan Isaac Percy, that is my full name. I'm 22.

I am an Actor.

I live in Winnipeg Manitoba in Canada with a population of 800k. I work at a Hospital which pays well and fits between school.

I will be graduating from the University of Winnipeg this year with a Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Theatre Minoring in Psychology.

I read, write and understand German relatively well though speaking and articulating it I'm working on.

I have a passion for nature. My interests include Fantasy as in Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings. Vocal Trance and Chili Peppers is what I listen to mostly. I'm extremely talented at hacky sack, and enjoy Pool very much.

When it comes to the ladies....I'm an investor and an idealist looking for that one.

A few good T.V series to me are:

The Wire

The Walking Dead


The Shadowline

The Tudors


All worth checking out ^__^

Edited by Percy 1st MRB
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I'm Robbie. I live in South Carolina but am from the midwest.

For the last year I have been a business analyst for a large corporation. Its good pay but sucks being a random suit in a giant maze of cubes.

I just turned 30 and its been many years college though I got my degree in mathematics.

I love music and hockey. I have played music for many years and was quite active as a drummer for several years in my early 20's playing in bars all around my hometown. I used to play hockey as a kid though it was nothing more than rec leagues.

I've been married for a couple years now and enjoy that my wife finally works after spending several years in school to become an occupational therapist. She now makes more than me and I am perfectly fine with that! She can pay bills for a while!

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I live in Dubuque, Iowa. Right on the border of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa.

In school right now working on a pre-law degree. Planning on taking the LSAT sometime during the next year. Participate in a bit of campus activities, I'm the VP of the Criminal Justice club and captain of the mediation team.

I'm a part-time peon at the local BestBuy- the largest electronics retailer. Work in the Home Theater department and I hate my job. Work overtime with no benefits, dealing with some really silly things. But that's just me whining, I do enjoy (most of) the people I work with and I'm looking to get an internship with IBM.

I speak English and a bit of German, although I admit I would get lost in a scenario with some of the dialects. My mother is originally from Germany, so I learned German the Hessen way.

I've watched just about every TV show and movie you can think of, and I will always have an opinion on them. For fun I play the video games, read a ton of books and like to watch TV or movie with friends. Also I play the cello, bass, and guitar and just generally like to chill and hang out.

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I live in Northern Virginia, in the wonderful country that is the United States of America. I am currently employed as a stagehand and operations staff/personnel at the Patriot Center at George Mason University. I graduated from said university with a BA in Government and International Politics (concentration in Comparative and International Politics) and a minor in History. I unfortunately don't speak much language competently. My interests are in video games, foreign policy, Japanese Anime, and firearms, and I read somewhat. I also like to cook and such, so...yeah.

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I don't really exist in RL. I'm just a figment of your collective imaginations.


I live in central California.

I work in the IT dept. at my local hospital.

I study lots of things. Your sleeping habits for one.

I speak pretty much just english, but know a little spanish. You kind of have to where I live.

I play music and have for most of my life. I've been a singer since I was born, played drums since 3rd grade and just picked up bass last Christmas (when I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away). I can't stand cats. And I love my little girl.

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age? 34

where do u live! - Moose Jaw, Saskatchwan - http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=moose+jaw&amp...mp;t=m&z=13

whats ur job? Senior Service Advisor and Warranty Admin for a local GM dealership for about 4 years now, prior to that I did national construction for 8 years building retail stores across Canada and parts of the US.

are u studying? No, other then personal interest items.

do u speek many language? English, very little french (mainly swear words, and alcohol drink orders)

interests? Airsoft, Camping, Gaming, Reading, Movies, general hanging out with friends over drinks or games.

hmm other info: finally found a diet that seems to be working, so hopefully by the spring I'll be back to my ideal weight again. So far lost 6 pant sizes, 2 shirt sizes, so its going good :) Would like to drop about 40lbs more by spring.

Might be going for shoulder surgury in the new year, depending on what they find out from my CT scan I had this past week. Went down on the ice at work about 14 months ago, and have been on medication, in and out of doctors/surgeon/mri/xray appointments since. So will be glad when thats done and over with.

Flying into Ottawa this February for a week for my best friends wedding, so it'll be a crazy slightly drunken trip. That his fiance has already advised me, that they have drafted a note to pin to my Tuxedo with directions back to the hotel after the wedding for cab drivers to get me back safely lol

Edited by Gardner 1st MRB
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Tyler Dillon, and I'm 36. I live in Greeley, Colorado, famous for two things: South Park called it "The Exact Opposite of Hawaii", and we are the birthplace of Al Qaeda back in 1940's.

It also smells really bad most days. So bad, you can't really open your windows at night.

I graduated with a degree in History in 2004. I got a bit of a late start to school due to 6 knee surgeries which still flare up from time to time. You may notice I get a bit "snappish" and sometimes I declare it a "no-tolerance xday."

I speak English and dirty. I am told that I speak a very fluent dirty english.

My interests include DODS during the winter, as well as camping and working around the house. I love cooking. Love making BBQ, breakfasts, mexican food, and am looking to get into Indian cuisine. I have a very inappropriate relationship with my Crock-Pot, as well. I also enjoy working on computers and am trying to get into Grad School and get an MA in Higher Education. And until this year, I was a volleyball coach for 15 year old girls. I'm deliriously happily married to my wife of 6 years. I thoroughly enjoy musical theatre, as well. I've been in a few shows, but haven't done it for a while.

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I live in Hartford County, Connecticut. Planning on moving to Monroe County Pennsylvania in the Pocono Mountains

Former U.S. Marine, now I am a building operations foreman contracted out to Travelers Insurance. I basically ensure all jobs go according to schedule and are executed properly as far as moves, installs, teardowns and the like are concerned. I also install a ridiculous amount of PC's, just got done installing 180 in 16 hours with a 3 man crew.

Not currently studying anything, I'm soon to be moving on to Oil Rigging out in North Dakota as a Floorhand starting with nearly 6 figures a year, 2 week on 2 week off rotation all flights to and from my house paid for as well as housing food and a rental car. ;)

Native tongue is English, second language is ebonics, fluent in smooth talking as well as bullshitting, I can understand a majority of Spanish and I speak very little Russian.

I am an avid bodybuilder, I train 4 hours a day-6 days a week. I am trained in kickboxing through a former platoon commander of mine in the Marines who was an amateur MMA fighter. I have a taste for art as well as various cultures of music. I find besides weightlifting that creativity brings me a great sense of peace. I love dancing i.e. Hardstyle shuffle, Gabbering, pop-n-locking, I cannot get enough of Hardcore. I enjoy reading and getting tatt'd up and thats about it.

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Names McKenzie.....Connor..McKenzie....

Born in Kileen TX, raised in Wauwatosa, WI, working in Camp Pendleton CA, and hating life in AFG, I am a US Marine currently operating overseas as a 0651 Data Network Specialist. Imagine the Geek Squad of the Marine Corps. My interests include video gaming, trash talking, bull shitting, smoking fine cigars and above all paintballing. I am not currently in school although I plan to get my assosciates in Computer Network Design. I own a a 2002 Mitsubishi OZ Racing Rally Art Lancer, and I am currently married at the young age of 21, to my wife who I have been with for 5 years already.

I speak English and German, although I can only speak German conversationally, not exactly fluent. I have a black belt in 3 martial arts (TKD, Hap Ki Do and Chung Do Mu Sool Won (ancient Korean art, had to train privately for that one)) I also have an avid interest i ntraditional Muay Thai (not MMA), and traditional Ju Jitsu. I also am an avid writer, although I mainly do non canon stories for different game series I like (and no, not slash fiction before any one asks). Among my other interests, I play paintball as often as I can, I currently own two markers and I plan on purchasing 1 or 2 more before i make it home in midapril

And that't about it.....but I really miss playing the DOD:S with my fellow Raiders :(

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