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Resolved - MAC Address removed.

Marsden 1st MRB


Name: Marsden

Rank: Sgt.

Type of issue: Hardware

Brief Description of Issue:

So tried connecting this thing to the interwebz (can't say what) bought it used, and when I tested my connection it told me that my router has MAC filtering in place, So when I went to pull the MAC adress off of it the MAC address reads as:

MAC Address: Not Listed.

I know I can't fix it I just wanna know what you guys think could have caused this? It's a seriously WTF kinda moment.

***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***

Current Status: Resolved

Main Technician:

Supporting Technician: Pfc. N. Holland

Edited by Holland 1st MRB
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Again, please use the form that has been posted here.

It is in place to enable the MSO to receive and respond to your problems much more efficiently.

EDIT: Please state what you mean by "this thing". I am aware there have been many Archos that have had this problem.

The only real fix for this, is to send it back for a new one. It could have been caused by a number of things, from manufacturing error to system corruption, and the list goes on.

Edited by Holland 1st MRB
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The item is an Xbox 360 connecting through just a Road Runner standard issue modem. The MAC address seems to have been removed from the console, thus triggering the console's interpenetration that MAC filtering was on for the Modem Settings. A modem does not contain DHCP protocols (A gateway device does but not a modem) and nor do most have a complex enough firewall system to implement MAC filters. The reason I said I knew it couldn't be fixed is the console in question is not mine but somewhere accross the country from me or in Canada.

I had already figured out that it was not the Modem settings blocking the console from connecting (had the person look in the admin page and look for firewall settings, his modem has on or off, doesn't even support port forwarding) so I went on a search for MAC address, none anywhere in the console.

So to rephrase my question, how did the previous owner of the console do this and is it reversable?

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I apologize for misunderstanding your question.

It has happened in the past where people *claim* that they could modify their mac address and serial number for the Xbox to get unbanned from the Xbox live network.

Microsoft has supposedly been banning the serial codes and MAC addresses (I am unsure of that last one) due to a user's bad behavior and/or use of mod chips. The specific details on how exactly one goes about replacing a MAC and serial code for an Xbox would likely be more closely guarded, due to the serious potential for legal allegations following any release, not to mention that it would simply be handing Microsoft information on a flaw in their system (which if it exists, would be the saving grace for Xbox modders everywhere).

My best guess - somebody tried and failed to replace their system information, and so sold it to an unsuspecting person.

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Does it say "not listed" or "not set"?

Not set is the default setting on an xbox. To find the actual mac address go down to where it says "not set" and hit A the real mac address should be at the bottom of the screen.

Have you rebooted the modem since connecting the xbox? Most cable modems lock to the first mac address they find on boot up, if you've disconnected a PC and connected an xbox the modem needs a reboot.

If you want to be switching the ethernet cable between a pc and an xbox without a router then you can set them both to have the same mac address, but if they're ever connected to the same network at the same time it'll prevent one or both machines from being able to communicate at all.

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It does sound like someone tried to hack the thing and broke it. It shouldn't be possible for the MAC to show as 000000000000 unless the nic is pooched or has been tampered with..

You might try setting the alternate MAC address to get it working, something like 0017FA010101 should work.

If not you might be stuck picking one of those xbox wireless adapters.

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was connected direct into modem, and i'm pretty sure the console had at one time been banned from live and whoever had it before thought removingthe MAC would bypass the issue only to discover that it cannot connect to the tubes at all without a MAC

and "The reason I said I knew it couldn't be fixed is the console in question is not mine but somewhere accross the country from me or in Canada."

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