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Ford 1st MRB

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So today I pulled the pc out of the closet, much to the chagrin of the old lady, and did a little work to the bct map. I opened up a few walls in the building clearing section, giving the attacking team more than one route through the building, which should make things a tad more interesting.

On top of that, I started work on the assault mos course. For those of you with experience playing mw1, it may appear familiar. I am copying "the pit" from the first mission where you run the course shooting enemies while avoiding the civilians. There is also a timer that starts when you enter the course and ends when you complete it. Still trying to figure out a scoring system I can implement into it.

Other than that, just a few minor changes were made today. Given that I am on a very limited window of time I can work on the map, I won't give a time frame for it's completion, but It is back under construction, so that is a step in the right direction.

More to come soon.

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that is awesome dude!

this is just a suggestion i know its a long proccess to make a map, but i think we should make a course where recruits or whoever have to accomplish using the things we learned throughout bct. start on one end of the map make ur way through buildings, forrests, etc. working as a team to accomplish the objective given to the whether its VIP or just eliminate all oppsoing forces. just a thought! not execpted to happen soon or at all ljust a suggestion :)

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Well as I said, there is no exact time frame for completion.

As many of you already know, I started this about a year ago. I just turned my pc on for the first time in 7 months yesterday so I'm hoping this is a step towards completion.

There is a thread somewhere on here I started when I began working on the map but I didn't feel like looking for it. It shows the progress I had before I went on hiatus.

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Got a bit more done over the weekend. I added a 7 story apartment looking building at the back of the rocket range that can serve multiple purposes. Long distance nade accuracy, sniper mos, long distance rocket accuracy, sleeping quarters for homeless people, the possibilities are endless!

Completed so far:

Rifle MOS course. Can also be used for sniper and mg MOS if needed.

Nade Range. Added hand grenades as was requested, and a pretty hot french medic :D

Building Clearing. Opened up some new routes through the building, it's nice!

Rifle Range.

General layout. Smaller than before, less trees, more FPS.

Mg MOS course layout. I hope you like the new and improved design Magoo.

Sniper MOS layout. I scraped the old one and decided to go a different route.

The Pit (auto MOS course) layout. This is going to be fun!

Pistol Range. Janke asked me to keep this in, so it is still there.

To do list:

Finish sniper targeting system.

Finish mg target and scoring system.

Finish The Pit, targets and scoring.

Finish the rocket section, just minor cosmetics. (this is Wingate's layout for what he wanted)

3D Skybox.


On a side note, I logged into the pub today for the first time in a year. Sadly, I was on a MacBook with no mouse or headset. Shooting people with a trackpad is fun!

Edited by Ford 1st MRB
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New "Apartment" building:


MG MOS, layed out but not completed:


All the signs are lit-up now to read easier from a distance to help recruits:


Motivation to get injured?:


New routes through the building clearing section, kind ofhard to explain without seeing it:




I need the insignias for the 3rd platoon to go along with the rest of them:


Just a fast compile so the lightinglooks terrible.

More to come soon.

And Kirk:

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