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NFL Refs

Englebretson 1st MRB

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They need to go...ASAP. Darrius Hayward Bay of the raiders got a huge hit right into the helmet which knocked him unconcious and he had to be carted off the dam field and the refs didnt throw a flag on an obvious helmet to helmet hit. I'm all for letting them play football but these refs need to grow some balls. Someones gonna get paralyzed then shits really gonna hit the fan.

The worst play i saw as during the cowboy game. Kevin ogletree was in the endzone wide open for a pass and the replacement ref threw his hat to signal that a receiver went out of bounds....he threw it near Ogletree and HE FUCKIN SLIPS ON IT. Are you kidding me? Why the fuck would you throw your hat anywhere near the receivers? Are you fuckin mad? These refs have got to go.

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and if you just saw the seahawks and packers game.....perfect example of how the refs are clueless. Packers just got robbed BIG TIME

I amuses me to no end because during the Bears/Packers game - there were MULTIPLE bad calls - to the point the announcers watched the replay and were saying "that will be certainly be overturned because that's clearly the wrong call here", and those bad calls were never overturned (some of which are the reason Packers got points on the board). I'm not saying that's the only reason they lost (their O line was horrid); but it seemed to me that about 95% of the calls were against the Bears and the Packers (despite replays clearly showing their errors and everyone agreeing the calls were poor) could do no wrong.

Not a single Packer fan mentioned that or cared about the replacement refs at all during that game. Now? Everyone is crying foul and complaining. Hilariously ironic.

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I agree that there has been bullshit calls going both ways. I have no allegiance to either team, there were definitely calls on both sides that sucked.

The ones at the end of the game were pretty bad though.

1. The roughing the passer that negated the packers interception.

2. The defensive pass interception against shields on the ball down the left sideline was horrible. It was offensive pass interference or nothing at all.

3. And the play in the end zone. Jennings definitely had possession, he was between tate and the ball.

I do agree that it was the packers fault for being in that position in the first place, but the officials should have gotten together on that last play. Unacceptable that the referee didn't go down and confer with the officials making the calls.

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anyone have a video of the min/SF game when the refs had their thumbs up their ass giving a challenge call to the team when they had no time outs left AFTER an interception from us to challenge the PREVIOUS play not even the interception. I'm wondering, maybe these refs are doing this on purpose to show the NFL that they should just give the damn officials on strike their money cause they really need to come back lol

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The main reason they didn't overturn the final call is because they couldn't. You cannot overturn the call on the field without concrete evidence. If there's even a sliver of doubt, the call on the field takes precedence, always. Refs fucked themselves on that call, but I think it made up for the bullshit 1st down they gave the Packers for the touchdown. The game was an embarrassment, but it was an embarrassing win. ;)

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The evidence is written on the wall. Tate pushed off someone OFFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE then jumped up to get the ball with jennings. Jennings had both arms around the ball, brought it to his chest and went to the ground while Tate only had 1 arm on it. I will never....EVER believe that it was a legit TD.

I tip my hat to the seahawks for wiping the field with the packers all throughout the game. They played a good game no doubt about that, but that call is by far sickening and kills off whatever integrity the replacement refs had. That and the fact that Tate actually admits that he NEVER pushed off and HE DID catch the ball....what a joke.

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well a simultaneous catch cant be reviewed, which is what was supposedly the call that was made on the field. only problem i have with that is one official called a touchdown and the other called and interception and the actual referee (the one who runs the whole crew and is in charge of the game) didnt even confer with either of those officials. therefore, who decided what the call on the field was? who decides what needs to be seen in order to constitute indisputable evidence?

furthermore, neither of those officials were even in a good enough position to make that call, there were more than 15 yards away when the ball was caught. its the last play of the game, you knw its going to the endzone, get your fucking zebra ass in motion.

and lets not forget the blatant missed offensive pass interference from one of the new scumbags of the NFL, Golden Tate. fact of the matter is, that was a penalty, regardless of what happened earlier in the game or any of the other circumstances surrounding the play. GT broke a rule, it should have been an offensive penalty, therefore the game ends.

this is what we call the definition of a colossal fuck up

and the NFL doesn't give a shit because we all still watch it =)

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i find it funny when these big corporation are expected to make billions and then refused to pay out anymore to anyone without causeing a huge fucking hassel about it.

If it werent for unions people would be getting paid way the fuck less than they should. Power in numbers and fuck the NFL if they have become that greedy to refuse to pay people mere millions when they make BILLIONS.

NFL is here to support the game not to fucking rip it apart, NFL had better get its ass together because they ruin the name of the game over stupid shit like this.

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