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New Guitar

Zahl 1st MRB

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I've been playing guitar for over 15 years now (damn, I'm getting old fast). I've played bass for almost just as long.

I play a Dean custom shop Corina Cadillac that was made in '96 in Plant City Florida.

I've also got an old strat knock off (peavey falcon - 1st guitar) that i've refretted and strung with nasty heavy strings (a la Stevie Ray Vaughn) - I totally understand the guillotining of fingers!

I'm down to just 1 bass - a Dean Q5 that plays like a dream. I used to have a handfull of other stuff and was up to 4 or 5 guitars and around 3 basses at one point. But that was just overkill.

I've played a couple Gretsch guitars here and there, and they've ALWAYS played really well for me. I like them, and from what I've experienced and what others have always told me, they're really well made and quality instruments.

I imagine if you pick it up - you won't be dissapointed. The other nice part about nicer guitars is that you can ALWAYS customize to make them play/sound EXACTLY how you want, without worry that you'll have to change a lot of things because of cheap parts.

Looks like a nice axe, I'd go for it!

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my brother has a gretsch

it is fucking beautiful and it sounds fucking amazing


something like this

he plays metal with it but i have heard him play classical shit and that sounds amazing too

the first time i saw it i thought it looked too fucking big, but he picked it up and played it and it fucking works

it makes you look like a fucking rockstar

my friend has one of these

an old telecaster

it might not look like much but it has possibly the crispest nicest sound i have ever heard in a guitar

if you play what i think you play which is old shit than you should look into a telecaster

they are fucking boss

Edited by Ray 1st MRB
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My brothers band Garden of Bedlam My brother Erik is the singer the guitarist is Josh Belleau he uses http://www.jacksonguitars.com/ sorry for the quality its a live performance filmed on a shitty cam lol

www.gardenofbedlam.com can check out the good quality songs here just no video. :) thats a original song off there first ep the video up there and their in the studio recording their first full length CD they also get to open for KISS when they come to our stadium this summer.. yah i know kiss isnt a huge band anymore but thats still pretty epic for a small town band from butfuck no where canada lol i think there pretty good :D but i have to say that hes my brother lol

Edited by Lawrence 1st MRB
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Fender's are nice, but I don't like how they have a buzz on the low E. That's just how they're made, if you bought a Fender and it has no buzz... Maybe luck? Or it's just something really abundant with the Squires, which is also made by Fender. I have a Fender Squire Strat. (Picture below.) What I want to get is a Dean Performer E Acoustic-Electric Guitar. (2nd picture below.) I think it's awesome, what makes it great is it has an on-board tuner, and I got to hear what it sounds like because of a buddy of mine who had one, and I like it. :D

What I have:


What I want:


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Fender's are nice, but I don't like how they have a buzz on the low E. That's just how they're made, if you bought a Fender and it has no buzz... Maybe luck? Or it's just something really abundant with the Squires, which is also made by Fender. I have a Fender Squire Strat. (Picture below.) What I want to get is a Dean Performer E Acoustic-Electric Guitar. (2nd picture below.) I think it's awesome, what makes it great is it has an on-board tuner, and I got to hear what it sounds like because of a buddy of mine who had one, and I like it. :D

Squier's are like the 'economy' version of a Fender Strat. Their hardware is downgraded, electronics downgraded, etc. A guy I was in a band with years and years ago had a squier, and that thing was CONSTANTLY falling out of tune and had lots of little weird quirks that I just couldn't find a liking for. For just casual play it was fine, but if you started hammering on it for solo's and/or live performance it just seemed lacking. It was just stock however, and I'm sure with some mod's it would've made it much more acceptable versatile.

Since we were constantly switching roles (some songs I'd play guitar, he'd play bass, others it was vice-versa) it eventually got phased out and we just used my guitars for everything.

The 'buzz' you speak of can easily go away! You might need a new nut, or just might need the truss rod adjusted a bit. Any experienced tuner can do either of those very easily - especially the truss rod adjustment! The truss rod adjusts the 'bend' in the neck, the nut adjusts string height and works with your intonation to ensure good sounding notes that are clear up and down the fretboard. A new nut can take a while because it has to be cut (usually from bone, although some people prefer graphite), and glued, and then everything has to be measured very carefully, and adjusted, and re-adjusted.

A truss rod might take a few days to 'settle' after being adjusted, but it usually can help small buzzes right away.

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