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This guy cannot computer


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Wow, i honestly dont know what to say. He needs to be neutered so he cant pollute our gene pool. He admits he isnt a gamer and then complains when he has to make an account, download updates, things any gamer knows and understands for any game. <sigh> that guy is epic fail.

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Mac Fags make me laugh, they spend disgusting amounts of money on inferior products and proclaim how good they are. Seriously, it's kinda sad. iPods are kinda, meh now, the iPhone is outdated, and overpriced on a shitty plan.

It makes me laugh still though when they try to say their better, cause, anything a Mac can do, PC's have been doing, for a while, and have been doing it very well already. Well obviously PC's have been giving people massive inflated ego's and this weird inability to accept something is wrong which I've noticed from maybe 80% of every Mac Fag I've seen.

Oh well, let them rage, less we have of him, the better, if he can't navigate a simple program and you know, check requirements and all, oh well, tired of seeing Mac Users wanting everything spoon fed to them.

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You know, all the haters of Macs have obviously never used one.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a PC guy all the way, but to call a Mac an inferior product is nothing short of laughable.

If you are a gamer, and want to surf the internet, then yes, a PC is better. However if you actually need to use a computer to do your job, you will save yourself a lot of headaches and time by using a Mac. I mean seriously... why do you think 90% of every major design studio, special effects artists, illustrators, web designers, photographers, etc etc, use a Mac? You aren't trying to tell me Mac's sales people are that good are you?

The funny thing is, it's only a very small minority of Mac users that have that elitist attitude that their computer is better than yours, versus a majority of PC users that hold some animosity to Mac users and label them as Macfags, or Mactards, or what have you. Maybe it's some Freudian thing having to do with the clever Mac commercials making pc users look like nerds and the mac users looking cool, who knows.

Sorry for the rant, it just gets tiresome. Use the product and know what you are talking about before doing so. Otherwise, open mouth, insert foot.

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I've used Mac's, first computer I ever used, was a Mac.

I didn't like it. And ever since every Mac I've ever used has been, meh. I've yet to use one that was drastically different than any other Mac. I've looked at Mac's, and their hardware is fairly weak, I mean sure there are some out there that have some heavy hardware are still pretty far behind what is considered high end. And all their "new" models are usually just rehashes of older models with either something increased and sold for more, or something decreased and sold for less. Usually the HDD and Monitor size.

I'll admit Mac's are ok for graphics design and general graphics and design positions but, that's all they seem to be geared towards. I've really yet to see a single one, desktop wise that is, that didn't seem built for just for those things.

The operating systems seem to be the major difference, as any windows OS will beat a Mac OS in overall usage of system resources, that is a Windows OS will use more than a Mac OS, and I've heard so many complaints about how Windows will crash but it has to do mostly with compatibility. It's compatible with so many things, of course your going to have issues with it at some point, but if your smart and pay attention to what your putting on your machine, then you shouldn't have so many issues. With Mac's if it isn't made my Apple, software wise, good luck, not saying that's the same for EVERY program but, it's just not worth the trouble sometimes to fuck with it.

It's sad too people spend so much money on them when 90% of the time they use them only for daily computing. A PC is going to be cheaper, and if you actually use Antivirus and keep it up to date, you won't have an issue. And if you do, it's fairly simple to fix if you just let your antivirus work it's magic, Avast is awesome btw.

As for the name calling, well it's going to happen, PC users beat the Mac users to the wittier, or well, easier to remember slurs.

In the end I don't like Mac's for many reasons, not simply for the lack of games, that's kind of a petty gripe anyway. My main gripe is with the company and the gross jacking of prices simply for that bland half bitten logo, I'd hate to see the price of a full apple logo product. The hardware is at least a generation behind and no real solid difference, physically from a PC besides that logo. The OS i overrated and irritating to degrees which I can't explain and the price just makes it pointless. For the price of a single "high" end Mac I could make 1 or 2 PC's that could do anything the Mac can and better. Other than being a Mac of course and having that nice bland shiny white case and logo.

Though most have probably just ignored this or just settled it in their minds already that I'm just some PC Elitist bashing on Macs cause it's easy. Ah well heres what I have to say to those

Edited by Conners 1st MRB
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