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Oh no! We must leave this socialist nightmare!

Berg 1st MRB

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  • 2 months later...

Socialism= being run by whacky liberals, who want free health care, where they actually believe that we SHOULD and be GRANTED health care. By my understandings, no-where does it say in the Constitution that we are GRANTED FREE HEALTH CARE. But, you are granted: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. So, stop collecting our tax-payers' money from sitting on your fat lazy asses through unemployment, and get out there, get a job, and pay for your own damn health care!

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No offence meant here but, in my country (UK) the NHS worked absolutely fine same as everyother nationalised service (train, bus etc) until we had some bitchy tory (margaret thatcher) privatise it all so that members of the cabinet could buy major shares etc in them.

What's wrong with it, would you rather your taxes going towards taking lives (defence) or saving lives (health). The human race is going to die out if we refuse to help those in need.

I admit that socialism has it's downsides but so does capitalism. In fact, so does EVERY political ideal known to man. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still chossing evil.

Edited by Takel 1st MRB
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I dono what the big problem with the universal health care thing. Up in Canada our health care is fucking awesome! Would hate to live in a place without it! I could really care less that the government is running it. Would rather them run it than some evil corperation only trying to make money and not worrying about our health :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Socialism= being run by whacky liberals, who want free health care, where they actually believe that we SHOULD and be GRANTED health care. By my understandings, no-where does it say in the Constitution that we are GRANTED FREE HEALTH CARE. But, you are granted: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. So, stop collecting our tax-payers' money from sitting on your fat lazy asses through unemployment, and get out there, get a job, and pay for your own damn health care!

I was on unemployment for a year.

Am I fat? Lazy? Do all people on unemployment feel they're entitled to healthcare? I was on unemployment, and have 2 kids as a single parent. I use state aid to get my kids the healthcare they need and require. Am I fat, and lazy and misusing tax-payers money?

Now I have a full time job, a part time job, and probably picking up another part time job, but I still can't afford health care for my kids because my work doesn't provide it, and neither do any of my part time jobs. So I am continuing to use state aid. I also use state aid to pay for my kids daycare so I CAN work. But apparently that's being fat, lazy, and abusing the system right?

Shit like this is why we're in the hole we're in. Yes, there are people who abuse the system, but it's the lack of understanding how things really work and the quick finger pointing to others that's the fucking problem. People these days always think they have the answer, and they're never part of the problem.

I have no problem paying my taxes because I know there are single parents with kids like myself who are HARD WORKING, NOT FAT, AMBITIOUS, INTELLIGENT and CAPABLE who need to use unemployment because THE ECONOMY SUCKS.

You wanna point the blame? Start looking at the start of the shitty economy... everyone trying to act like they have money when they don't, our governments poor decision making, and plenty of other things are FAR more to blame than people suffering because of a bad economy.

As one of those 'fat & lazy' people you named, I'm pretty offended.

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I was on unemployment for a year.

Am I fat? Lazy? Do all people on unemployment feel they're entitled to healthcare? I was on unemployment, and have 2 kids as a single parent. I use state aid to get my kids the healthcare they need and require. Am I fat, and lazy and misusing tax-payers money?

Now I have a full time job, a part time job, and probably picking up another part time job, but I still can't afford health care for my kids because my work doesn't provide it, and neither do any of my part time jobs. So I am continuing to use state aid. I also use state aid to pay for my kids daycare so I CAN work. But apparently that's being fat, lazy, and abusing the system right?

Shit like this is why we're in the hole we're in. Yes, there are people who abuse the system, but it's the lack of understanding how things really work and the quick finger pointing to others that's the fucking problem. People these days always think they have the answer, and they're never part of the problem.

I have no problem paying my taxes because I know there are single parents with kids like myself who are HARD WORKING, NOT FAT, AMBITIOUS, INTELLIGENT and CAPABLE who need to use unemployment because THE ECONOMY SUCKS.

You wanna point the blame? Start looking at the start of the shitty economy... everyone trying to act like they have money when they don't, our governments poor decision making, and plenty of other things are FAR more to blame than people suffering because of a bad economy.

As one of those 'fat & lazy' people you named, I'm pretty offended.

I know what you mean i am also offended my mom works her ass off as a single parent and 5 kids and put us all through school and always puts us before her and she cant afford healthcare but she cant afford it not because she is lazy but because she has to keep all of us fed so if someone who wants free healthcare are all lazy then come to my house and see what "lazy"people do all day

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When did we start believing politicians?

I'm not sure when this began, but it needs to stop. The GOP has become so incredibly good at coming up with a simple slogan to bash every good idea that even remotely goes against its philosophy. Not to say that the democrats don't do this too, but the GOP has this email, writer-driven machine where every GOP member spouts the same BS.


So where should we get our information?

Experts. No one person can understand the entirety of the economy or even how a policy will effect such a large and complex system. Now we find ourselves pitting experts against experts in debates. Now we can start to look at their methodologies and see who is right. Understanding how an expert can accurately obtain a truthful opinion is within the realm of everyone's understanding. This is what we should be debating. Not if Obama is a socialist.

If you are reading this, you have an internet connection. There is no excuse for this level of ignorance, unless, of course, you are as lazy as your counter-unemployment arguments. If you don't know where to start, here's an excellent place -- NPR asks a real live Marxist socialist, what socialism is. You don't even have to read.


While your at it go research unemployment and understand why it works so well to help the economy.

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Personally I am against the Healthcare..

Although it would help in some ways, it would slow things down to a crawl. Everyone would have to wait a long time to get even the simplest of treatments. Since the gov't and taxes are paying for it, the doctors and pharmacists will be getting paid shit, and some will find other careers. More people are going to be demanding it, for less, when there will be a shorter supply of medical personnel. It works for some Nordic countries decently because their taxes are so high and their populations are a lot smaller. I just don't like the idea of my money going to someone who may or may not deserve it.

I will stop there before I offend anyone but I think it is a really bad idea.

Edited by McGeough 1st MRB
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  • 8 months later...

Wow sorry to bump this but you people seriously think the US is or ever was a socialist nation? ........ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a load of utter nonsensical bullshit as a Socialist I can tell that is a certified bullshit story. Real Socialism has never been implemented in the US. We got close in the early 19th Century with Eugene Debs but that movement was sabotaged by the main stream plutocratic so called democratic state. Same thing happened to the progressive movement of which died out after its high ranking members were eliminated either through political scandal or out right assassinations.

This government "IE we the people as the US government is of the people for the people by the people in theory" is not a Republic or Democracy and hasn't been since the inception of the 1st and later 2nd Central bank "Federal Reserve" well over a 108 years ago.

By definition this nations is a plutocratic oligarchy that is currently leaning farther towards Stalinist and fascist directions due to the National Defense Authorization Act, Patriot Act, & Warrant less Wire tapping among others

US Congress is currently passing the National Defense Authorization Act as law and in this law gives the president & military the authority to indefinitely imprison American citizens without a court hearing, both domestically and abroad. Senate Bill 1867 is bringing the battlefield to the homeland and since they can classify the US as a battle field they can kill any American on sight by simple suspecting them of being a "terrorist"

This is no joke and not any conspiracy related bullshit its written in the bill in black and white ink and no barely anyone in congress is opposing it and most are in fact endorsing it. Welcome to the Fascist States of Amerika ladies and gentleman get out while you still can. Oh yea and try to avoid the UAVs as they're trying to implement the Police and Federal use of Predator drones over mainland USA which can and soon will be treated as a war zone allowing them this kind of power. BTW the UAVs as of this week are already in use in very limited numbers.

Long story short the United States and its people regardless of political views are royally fucked.

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