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MP's should be more strict.


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Hey everyone. Im not sure where I should post this but since it pertains to admin powers I think it belongs here. Anywho, the server as of late has been flooded with mic spammers, trolls, ect and it's getting extreamly annoying. I have had to turn my recieve volume all the way down more often than not anymore which I dont like to do so i can have good conversations with the 1st and Bar guys.

What Im trying to ask is could the admins be more strict with their powers? If you think that there is a troll, spammer, ect, mute the guy right away. No warning, just mute. Since most of the warnings that go out now, the ppl just "lololol" at them. Let me know what you guys think.

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*Military Police is for bans/unbans, this is more of a server issue.

It's always been "warn-kick-ban" for offences like trolling and mic spamming. And for good reason:

Skipping the warning is not a very good idea. Perhaps saying "I'm kicking you for *insert offense*, come back when you're done being a douche." or along those lines, as long as they know what they are doing wrong. Plus, it helps to let the server know an admin is doing his/her job. If admins ban and kick without warning all willy-nilly, there's bound to be confusion and pubbers see it as overzealous admins and will probably avoid our server.

I'm not shooting down your request for stricter admins, if it's really getting to be a problem then admins do need to step up and administrate the server. I'd rather have respected and feared admins than pushover admins on our servers.

(This is something that will be brought up in the next staff meeting)

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There has been an increase of mic spammers and trolls and im finding myself getting heavily annoyed. Its hard at times to decipher with all the banter usually going on whos trolling and what not and also when their so many admins around at times people think others will handle it or think that if they dont do something then they must not be breaking the rules.

As for dealing out justice to these annoyances sometimes the people who are being annoying are socializing with other 1stmrb and or BAR members which makes it again hard to determine at times. Warnings are necessary and admins must be strict but not kill joys. If its getting too loud and theirs like 6-7 people talking at once tell them to tone it down. Not talk at all, just keep it to a manageable state. Sometimes admins get caught up with talking to others or playing the game which happens. I think the way we handle things is good in regards to warning them and if people dont listen then the powers come into play, But i agree there has been an increase of annoyingness from lots of people lately.

We are vigilant. Have faith in us! : P

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I agree with all that has been said.

But, fairly often a bunch of Privates (such as myself) and other low-ranking Raiders are playing and a problem arises. This happens frequently with a packed server, and with no admin in sight, the problem worsens. My idea is to increase the amount of admins JUST SO SLIGHTLY, maybe 1-3 more that are more active than others? Just an idea I had..

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I agree with all that has been said.

But, fairly often a bunch of Privates (such as myself) and other low-ranking Raiders are playing and a problem arises. This happens frequently with a packed server, and with no admin in sight, the problem worsens. My idea is to increase the amount of admins JUST SO SLIGHTLY, maybe 1-3 more that are more active than others? Just an idea I had..

Trust me McGeough when i say this we have more then enough admins here is just a quick insight everyone that is SSgt. and up has adminwhich is actually a very good amount of the 1st MRB, second you and others should add everyone to you re friends list especially admins and if the server is full when u ask for help tell the admin who is doing it then leave the server for the admin to join.

Second we dont always have the time to admin the server me personally yes im in vent and steam at the same time but i like other games and i also do other things at the same time, like go on photoshop and such, and we arent really attack dogs so when asking for admin help be polite :), thats all i had to say on this.

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would just like to add my input as a regular pubber real quick. i do agree with viktor that it seems as if the last couple weeks has been a string of bad luck regarding douchiness in the server. i too have had times where i wish an admin would be more assertive. i certainly am supportive of warn-kick-ban, i just think sometimes it takes too long to get to the warn phase. then often times it then escalates to rather out of hand and someone has to come in and threaten to kick/ban the next person that does anything. i think if we can be more assertive in the initial phases it can solve so many of the problems before they get started. (and i say 'we' because even as a non admin, i feel a lot of responsibility to help inform folks of the rules and suggest they follow them)

anywho, i also think its great to at least be able to have this discussion in a public area where bar members and pubbers can also give feedback!

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