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fucking sick twisted people

J. Clark

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Now I'm not pissed she killed the dogs, sometimes you have to do it, what pissed me off is how. I grew up in a rural area and had to kill my fair share of animals. All humanely. Now I refuse to kill unless its out of necessity. It pisses me off when people hunt for sport.

While I abhor the abuse of animals you people are taking this too far. "Chained to a wall cover in pig guts and ect..." I rarely see any of these comments for a murder. It seems people put more value on a dog then on human. Or that we have become so jaded that murders don't phase us...

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It is the second one it is EVERYWHERE we employ over 1,000,000 men and women to kill as a nation, it's on tv, it's in the movies, it happens in the news it is everywhere but this is out of the ordinary and that's what makes people object. As for murderers what I posted is a few step downs on the scale as to what I would do to someone who kills another for no (good) reason.

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That is what I was saying man. We see murder everyday and no one starts up with the "I'd cut a hole in his stomach, shove grain inside it, sow it up and toss him in a rat infested hole" stuff. But you see anyone hurt an animal, its like the worst thing ever. It makes me mad that people have no priorities. I'm perfectly cool with a fine for that woman. Now if it was little babies she killed than yeah I would be saying things like you guys.

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I just find that with animals we have the advantage most of the times, with humans it a little more even in terms of both being able to think how to deal with this. personalty i get very angry because people are less likely to try and harm a human or kill it, then a animal because they don't care, they know they can get a way with it. if you saw a dead cat or dog on the side of the road would u call the police, doubtful, but if you saw a dead person you would. its not that i put animals first but they are the first to be harmed before humans, people say that if you take pleasure in harming animals that you are more likely to move on to humans, well get them before they start to move up to humans. and as for the girl, i would just beat her to an inch of her life call the police and said i found her like that. humans have thought not to kill when it isn't. or how to kill quickly, animals don't always have that and that's why people who don't do it humanly should have to face hard consequences. a fine wont mean shit to her, you beat her ass down and lock her up then maybe she'll get the point.

just my views, they could be too extreme for some. i just love animals and i have seen people kill them for a laugh. and that's not cool.

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Yes people die every day, but when was the last time you saw a girl throw a couple babies into a river. Im sure if that was the video people would be angrier than this video of the puppies. And yeah people are lined up and shot, but when was the last time anyone saw a video of a girl doing it? I will have to say a human life is worth more than an animals but that does not make anyone raging about the video wrong for being mad about it.

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someone please find her and kick her in the vag so hard her kidneys pop if anyone has the urge to throw a bunch of puppies in a river with a strong current come find me ill replace the puppies well have a fun ol game of whats nugz gonna do with those vice grips :D

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That kind of behavior should not be allowed, period.

To harm any living animal or creature like that is cruel.

Doesn't matter if it's a human or a puppy, a cat or some other animal, those who do this kind of thing prove only that they are sick in the head and deserve to be put down like an animal.

I'm no fan of pitbulls, I find them to be violent, unpredictable dangerous dogs, bread for only one purpose, pit fighting. They will fight to please their master and are naturally violent, no matter what anyone says, pitbulls are a deadly breed which should never have been breed. But, as much as I do not like the breed, I would not want to see one tortured or injured for another's enjoyment, if it needs to be put down, do it as painlessly as possible. It is a sick person who plays with something to enjoy watching it die, and this girl deserves a much stronger punishment than they are giving her.

Many will argue, "Oh but just because she's doing to this animals doesn't mean she'll do this to humans." Wake up, if she can do this to a small creature, she can and at some point just might do this to a human. If she finds some kind of pleasure in doing this then she obviously would gain some enjoyment out of doing this to a human or larger animal.

If you treat others like nothing but animals, then you deserve no less than to be treated like one yourself.

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That kind of behavior should not be allowed, period.

To harm any living animal or creature like that is cruel.

Doesn't matter if it's a human or a puppy, a cat or some other animal, those who do this kind of thing prove only that they are sick in the head and deserve to be put down like an animal.

I'm no fan of pitbulls, I find them to be violent, unpredictable dangerous dogs, bread for only one purpose, pit fighting. They will fight to please their master and are naturally violent, no matter what anyone says, pitbulls are a deadly breed which should never have been breed. But, as much as I do not like the breed, I would not want to see one tortured or injured for another's enjoyment, if it needs to be put down, do it as painlessly as possible. It is a sick person who plays with something to enjoy watching it die, and this girl deserves a much stronger punishment than they are giving her.

Many will argue, "Oh but just because she's doing to this animals doesn't mean she'll do this to humans." Wake up, if she can do this to a small creature, she can and at some point just might do this to a human. If she finds some kind of pleasure in doing this then she obviously would gain some enjoyment out of doing this to a human or larger animal.

If you treat others like nothing but animals, then you deserve no less than to be treated like one yourself.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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its how life is you can never understand why people do what they do they just do it plus it was just puppies look up 2 guys one hammer and its a video of 2 guys killing this one guy with a hammer hitting him epeatedly in the skull while he drowns in his own blood they also start to stab him in the stomach with a screwdriver again we will never understand what goes through the sick mind of some people

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If you treat others like nothing but animals, then you deserve no less than to be treated like one yourself.

I agree with everything you said, a life is a life no matter what. I am no animal right's actavist but even when I see my friends smash a bee (for example) I can't help to wonder what it just went through and how I would never want that to happen to me. Though I just want to point out we are animals and I find it sad that society treats us like we arn't. One day we will return to instinct.

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